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In an astonishingly short space of time the friar returned, accompanied by two men, who had the air of indoor servants and the quiet movements of street-bred, roof-ridden humanity. Mindful of his cloth, the friar stood aside, unostentatiously and firmly refusing to take the lead even in a mission of mercy.

No need to shake your head, for that's not your way; you are no hound to bite the hand that feeds you, like these street-bred dogs. Would that I could keep you nearer to me, where hour by hour you might help me with your counsel and your quiet strength. But it may not be as yet. I raise you as high as I dare, but it must be done step by step, for even now some grow jealous.

The poor little street-bred people that vapour and fume and brag, They are lifting their heads in the stillness to yelp at the English flag.

When he left the big Atlantic liner with twenty other raw English lads of his own street-bred sort, he thought he was saying good-bye to civilization forever. And here, all around him, arose the massive stone-built city, teeming with life, with gayety, wealth, and poverty, carriages, horses, motor cars why, it was just like London, after all! And once more "Buck" said, "Blow me!"

I interested him much less than old brocade and lighted wax candles, which inspired him with a solemnity that widened his eyes and narrowed his features. He looked on a new, and never-before-imagined, life. And he was grave to excess, though, later, I found plenty of the London child's impish nature in him." "That impish quality hides in nearly all street-bred children," said Uniacke.

Her life had written a fatal inscription across it as their life writes upon the faces of poor street-bred children the one word Want. As they have too little this dancing woman had had too much. The sparkle of her robe of gold tissue covered with golden coins was strong in the lamplight.

There came the father of the punished urchin, who had never shown heretofore any care for his street-bred progeny, but who now came pale with rage, armed with a pair of tongs; and with him the mother, flying like a fury, with her cap awry, and clutching a broomstick, as if she were a witch just alighted.

But it was a long two years before the boy got any chance to "py" her for her kindness, and when the chance did come, he would have given his sturdy young life to avert it. By this time, much mixing with Canadians had blunted his London street-bred accent.

They are whimpering to and fro And what should they know of England who only England know? The poor little street-bred people, that vapour, and fume, and brag, They are lifting their heads in the stillness, to yelp at the English flag! Mr. Kipling is a good judge of yelping. The truth is, Mr. Kipling has put the worst of his genius into his poetry.

Such a description may sound worse than the type deserves; for all that, it is a true one of the street-bred crowd they've been reared on the doctrine. Shorty was exactly the reverse.