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"Oh, but look, Sylvia!" cried Kate, quite forgetting everything in the interest of her drawing on a large sheet of straw-paper. "Do you see what it is?" "Yes; she is a very rich and grand Lady Ethelinda; isn't that a pretty name? I do wish I was Lady Katharine." "And what is she giving? I wish you would not do men and boys, Kate; their legs always look so funny as you do them."

Williams, watching the performance, lazily rolled a straw-paper cigarette. Snubbed to the post, bridled and saddled awkwardly, Baldy gave no outward sign of his malignant inward intent of getting rid of the lad the minute he mounted. Williams slowly drew a match across his sleeve from elbow to wrist, ending with a flame that was extremely convenient to his cigarette.

A similar change had passed upon his stock. There was Punch and Fun amongst the papers, and tenpenny Shaksperes on the counter, printed on straw-paper, with ugly wood-cuts. The former class of publications had not vanished, but was mingled with cheap editions of some worthy of being called books. "I see you have changed your mind since I saw you last," I said.

"These boxes, of a uniform size and shape, were made from thick layers of heavy straw-paper, made stiff and firm under high pressure. The farm in manufacturing them, was able to utilize large quantities of surplus straw from the grain fields, which could not be used as forage.

And it was this lightness and solidity which Robur availed himself of in building his aerial locomotive. Everything framework, hull, houses, cabins were made of straw-paper turned hard as metal by compression, and what was not to be despised in an apparatus flying at great heights incombustible.