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The day before his execution Delaporte, chief of the Trappes band, who was wearing the strait-jacket, asked of the convict Cogniard, whom, through the grating in the door of the condemned cell, he saw passing by: "Are there any pretty women in the visitors' parlor this morning?" Between the male and female wretch dreams build a Bridge of Sighs, as it were.

She, half reclining, and also wearing a strait-jacket had her back against the wall. Her head was hanging on her breast, her eyes fixed, her respiration broken. Save a slight convulsive movement, which from time to time agitated her under jaw, her features appeared calm, but of livid paleness.

Things went a little better with me the second time and Vergine consented to teach me. "And now began a period of rigid discipline. In Vergine's idea I had been singing too loud; I must reverse this and sing everything softly. I felt as though in a strait-jacket; all my efforts at expression were most carefully repressed; I was never allowed to let out my voice.

He's settled down here, and has been black-guarding me for twenty minutes, and, damn it, captain, I won't stand it!" "It's a clear case," said the captain, with a sigh, turning and addressing the doctor. "Have you a strait-jacket?" "Thank you, captain," said I, calming down. "It's what he ought to have, but it won't do any good. You see, he's not a material thing.

Simply over-stimulation of the ego; our souls in the strait-jacket of self; no freedom of thought or word or deed to our fellows. Ego, the tyrant, rules us. Only we of the Free Brotherhood are seeking to tame ours. Do I put it clumsily?" "If you was readin' it off a laundry ticket, it couldn't be clearer," says I. "Something about tappin' the upper-case I too frequent, ain't it?"

I know that the impression is abroad among some people that religion bemeans and belittles a man; that it takes all the sparkle out of his soul; that he has to exchange a roistering independence for an ecclesiastical strait-jacket. Not so. When a man becomes a Christian, he does not go down, he starts upward. Religion multiplies one by ten thousand. Nay, the multiplier is in infinity.

I shouldn't dare; because you are my guardian, and can put me in a strait-jacket if you like;" and Rose laughed in his face, even while she nestled closer with a confiding gesture pleasant to see. "Upon my word, Rosy, I begin to feel like the man who bought an elephant, and then didn't know what to do with him.

"Dear fellow," thought Mrs. Evringham, "how fond he is of children! I'd like to put Eloise in a strait-jacket. Do play some more, dear, won't you?" she said aloud, eager to return to safe ground. "Oh yes, cousin Eloise," added Jewel ardently. "If you will sing afterward. Will you?" asked the girl. "Can you sing, Jewel?" asked Mr. Evringham. "No, grandpa, nothing but the tunes in church."

Knowing that I should soon be put in the uncomfortable, but not necessarily intolerable embrace of a strait-jacket, my thought was that I might during the night, in some way or other, use this piece of glass to advantage perhaps cut my way to a limited freedom. To make sure that I should retain possession of it, I placed it in my mouth and held it snugly against my cheek.

A camisole is a type of straitjacket; and a very convenient type it is for those who resort to such methods of restraint, for it enables them to deny the use of strait-jackets at all. A strait-jacket, indeed, is not a camisole, just as electrocution is not hanging.