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The door was thrown open to its widest extent, and in the centre of the door-way stood a short stout-built man, and the very broadest I ever beheld staring at us with bold inquiring eyes. His salutation was something to this effect. 'What the hell do you gay fellows want with me? What the blazes is this humbugging letter about? My son, and be hanged! What do you know of my son?

I saw the form of a stout-built man, mounted on a powerful horse, disappear amid the trees, and I quickly urged my animal to his feet, so that I could join in the pursuit. Before it could be done, I heard two quick, ringing shots, which my ears told me came from Mr. Brown's revolver, and I easily guessed the fate of the would-be assassin. By the time I had scraped the mud from my person, Mr.

Wynn, feeling intensely British, left his box, and walked into the midst of the room with his newspaper, wishing to suggest the presence of a third person. He glanced at the American, a middle-aged, stout-built man, with an intelligent and energetic countenance, who returned the glance keenly.

Cap'n Wall he told me that if he had her before the wind with a cargo of cotton, she would make a middling good run, but load her deep with salt, and you might as well try to sail a stick of oak timber with a handkerchief. She was a stout-built ship: I shouldn't wonder if her timbers were afloat somewhere yet; she was sold to some parties out in San Francisco.

Joaquim leapt ashore through the drowning spray with a strong pole, and tried to pass the cuberta round a small projecting point, while we on deck aided in keeping her off and lengthened the cable. We succeeded in getting free, and the stout-built boat fell off into the strong current farther away from the shore, Joaquim swinging himself dexterously aboard by the bowsprit as it passed the point.

Perhaps, too, his nature had not yet even got quit of its gregariousness, and he was not sorry to have his acquaintance sought, though by this hang-dog thief. "I have never been in prison before, if that is what you mean," returned he, civilly. He who asked the question was a stout-built, grizzled fellow, of about fifty years.

On striking the corner of the paddock, I went through a gate, and was closing and securing it behind Bunyip and Pup, when I became aware of a stout-built, blackbearded man on a fat bay horse, approaching along the inside of the fence. "Rory?" said I inquiringly. "Well-to-be-shure!

Strange as it may appear, this officer left the ship a few months afterwards, and was made commander, post captain, and retired admiral without serving afloat! We named himThe Adonis.” The sixth was a stout-built regular man-of-war’s man, an officer and a sailor, fond of conviviality, of gaming and a stiff glass of grog, but never off his guard.

It was about ten years ago I never was a good hand for dates that I picked up a stout-built sailor-sort of fellow, with a reddish moustache, who wanted to be taken down to the docks.

The light, which came from a dark-lanthorn, placed on the ground, revealed the forms of a peasant in a smock-frock, and two stout-built, stalwart men, armed with pistols besides the one engaged with Darvil. The whole of this scene was brought as by the trick of the stage as by a flash of lightning as by the change of a showman's phantasmagoria before the astonished eyes of the banker.