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Later, when he acquired entire control, these characteristics were still more manifest. Another prominent man was Austin Abbott, brother of Dr. Lyman Abbott, a well-known lawyer, and one who was closely identified with the defence of Mr. Beecher in his famous trial. Well do I remember him as he first came, a boy, and took his seat in the west gallery. Then there were Henry M. and Augustus Storrs.

Lowell told me that he was annoyed that the president should have sent an interloper to meddle with negotiations which he had in successful progress to a satisfactory conclusion. So he invited Storrs to dinner, and then Storrs took no further interest in his diplomatic mission. Mr. Lowell told me that he asked Storrs to name whoever he wanted to invite.

I never attempted to prove anything more to Pastor Storrs. It would have been most ungrateful to persuade him I was an alien. At the same time he prophesied his hopes of me, and many a judicious person blamed him for treating me as something out of the ordinary, and cockering up pride. A blunter Williams used to take me by the button on the street.

They didn't reach her father." "No: tell me," he persisted. "I gotta know." Because Mr. Hines had already impressed himself upon me as one with whom straight talk would serve best, I acceded. "Bartholomew Storrs said that her feet took hold on hell." Mr. Hines's face remained impassive. Only his hands worked slightly, perhaps kneading an imaginary throat.

The High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel, sent immediately a message conveying his desire to attend the funeral in person, in order as he himself later wrote, toexpress my respect for His creed and my regard for His person.” As to the funeral itself, which took place on Tuesday morning—a funeral the like of which Palestine had never seenno less than ten thousand people participated representing every class, religion and race in that country. “A great throng,” bore witness at a later date, the High Commissioner himself, “had gathered together, sorrowing for His death, but rejoicing also for His life.” Sir Ronald Storrs, Governor of Jerusalem at the time, also wrote in describing the funeral: “I have never known a more united expression of regret and respect than was called forth by the utter simplicity of the ceremony.”

Lord Coleridge told me he received from Storrs a cable reading something like this: "I have seen in our papers about your attitude in the suit now pending. I therefore inform you that as far as possible I withdraw the courtesies which I extended to you in Chicago." In this unique way Storrs cancelled the dinner which was given and seized by the sheriff years ago.

The pulpit is represented by such men as Mather, Edwards, Dwight, Storrs, Warren, Beecher, Talmage, Cook, Thomson and Brooks. Literary genius has been displayed by men like Longfellow, Bryant, Lowell, Holmes, Hawthorne, Mitchell, Holland, Emerson and a host of lights scarcely less brilliant.

"My dear sir, old men cannot afford harsh judgments. They are too near their own time." "Yeh?" said Mr. Hines absently. "I guess that's right." But his mind was plainly elsewhere. "When would you say would be the best time to do business with old Funeral-Clothes?" he asked after a thoughtful pause. "You want to see Bartholomew Storrs?" I interpreted. "Sure.

Bertram Storrs and many others, and among the faithful members Admiral and Mrs. Sims rendered "aid and comfort" beyond belief in those days when it took some courage in fashionable Newport to "come out" for woman suffrage! The presidents of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Mrs. Susan Hammond Barney, Mrs. Emeline Burlingame Cheney, Mrs. Mary A. Babcock, Mrs.

The battle ended about the time our train reached Bealton, so Storrs and I missed the opportunity of taking part in one of the most memorable contests of the civil war. After a night on the platform of the railroad station, we started at dawn to find the brigade.