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"Though it is too bad," she murmured; "an' this the best stand anywhere hereabouts." In reality, the stand consisted of a large basket, a camp-seat, the tiresome privilege of leaning against two feet of stone-wall, and the aforesaid umbrella, which was intended to afford, not only a roof, but an air of dignity to the concern, and was therefore always open, rain or shine.

"And I, too," said MacKellar. "You're up against a stone-wall, my boy. The government here is simply a department of the 'G. F. C. The officials are crooks company servants, all of them." "Just a moment now," said Hal. "Let's consider. Suppose we had a real government what steps would we take? We'd carry such a case to the District Attorney, wouldn't we?" "Yes, no doubt of it," said MacKellar.

I turned into it, and soon saw beyond the rough coast the blue ring of the ocean vast, silent, and splendid in the sunshine. I found a seat on the ruins of an old stone-wall, among some tangled bushes and briers. There being no Aunt Eliza to pull through the surf, and no animated bathers near, I discovered the beauty of the sea, and that I loved it.

She climbed the stone-wall on the ridge behind her cabin, took an Indian trail through the grass in summer, or struck across on the snow-crust in winter, ran up the steep side of the fort-hill like a wild chamois, and came into the garrison enclosure with a careless nod to the admiring sentinel, as she passed under the rear entrance.

I never forgot to answer the wants of the greedy machines while I was within sound of them; but away from them I forgot all external sight and sound. I can remember in my boyhood once I was waked from my reveries. I was walking beneath a high stone-wall, with my eyes and head bent down as usual, when I was roused by a shower of rose-buds that fell over my shoulders and folded arms.

But for a landlord to evict a tenant from the farm for which he will not pay the covenanted rent will not, but yet could, twice over is a cowardly, a brutal, a damnable act, for which those slugs from behind a stone-wall are the well-deserved reward. Here is an instance of the vengeance sought to be taken by wealthy tenants evicted for non-payment of rent.

And the next thing that Johnnie did was to drop Frisky right on the ground. That was exactly what Frisky wanted. He no sooner touched the ground than he was away like a shot. It was not at all like running inside the wheel. Every leap carried him further away from Farmer Green's house. And he had crossed the road and disappeared behind the stone-wall before Johnnie Green knew what had happened.

He had seemed to simply stare at life from a sunny place on a stone-wall or a door-step all summer. When the autumn set in he sat in his old chair by the fire. Caleb had always felt cold since Deborah died. When the bell tolled off his years, one morning in November, nobody felt surprised. People had said to each other for some time that Caleb Thayer was failing.

Of the pieces of ground that you describe, take that in partial shade for your Madonna lilies and their kin, and that in the open sun for your lilies-of-the-valley, while I would keep an earth border free from silver birches, on the sunny side of your tumble-down stone-wall rockery, for late tulips and narcissi; and grape hyacinths, scillas, trilliums, the various Solomon's seals, bellworts, etc., can be introduced in earth pockets between the rocks if, in case of the deeper-rooted kinds, connection be had with the earth below.

I was all ear, of course, standing motionless while the delicious music came again and again out of a tangle of underbrush behind a dilapidated stone-wall, a spot for all the world congenial to this tiny recluse, whose whole life, we may say, is one long game of hide-and-seek.