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The parties arrived in due time, and were properly accommodated. Master Edward was not troubled with the stomach-ache, neither did he wake Mr. Witherington at five o'clock in the morning; and, after all, it was not very uncomfortable. But, although things were not quite so uncomfortable as Mr. Witherington had anticipated, still they were not comfortable; and Mr.

In fact, for all my bashfulness before a gentleman who kept regarding me with some curiosity from behind a newspaper, I ate with great swiftness a tartlet of each of the eight different sorts which the confectioner kept. On reaching home, I experienced a slight touch of stomach-ache, but paid no attention to it, and set to work to inspect my purchases.

Shall we say, Let us eat and drink, but not too much, or we shall have a stomach-ache to-morrow?" He had taken Tester's quite erroneous estimate as a basis, and had exactly hit off Horace's character. But the following incident more than any other brought home to Gordon how extraordinarily broadminded the Chief was.

"Except that when a Svant tells another, 'I am happy, or 'I have a stomach-ache, he makes the other one feel that way too," Anna said. "That would carry an awful lot more conviction. I don't imagine symptom-swapping is popular among Svants. Karl! You were nearly right, at that. This isn't telepathy, but it's a lot like it."

You must insist on "a tall dark man from India" at the next sitting. It is "the tall dark man" which the amateur crystal-gazer really wants. He doesn't want the future. There is so little to foretell in most of our lives. Nobody is going to pay two guineas to be told that he will be off his drive next Saturday and have a stomach-ache on the following Monday.

It must be, I supposed, because she was less familiar with one's faulty, tattered past. "I was watching you as you came along the road," she said presently, "and you had your head down and your hands in your pockets, and you weren't throwing stones at anything, or whistling, or jumping over things; and I thought perhaps you'd bin scolded, or got a stomach-ache."

Seriously for we can be serious we ask the clergy to do their level best. The farmers are swearing wholesale, and by taking the name of the Lord their God in vain they incur the peril of eternal damnation. The fruit crop is injured, and children suffer unusually from the stomach-ache.

In the morning I discover that my mussulman hat-band has mysteriously disappeared, and when preparing to depart, a miscellaneous collection of females gather about me, seize the bicycle, and with much boisterous hilarity refuse to let me depart until I have given each one of them some money; their behavior is on the whole so outrageous, that I appeal to my patient of yesterday evening, in whose bosom I fancy I may perchance have kindled a spark of gratitude; but the old reprobate no longer has the stomach-ache, and he regards my unavailing efforts to break away from my hoi-denish tormentors with supreme indifference, as though there were nothing extraordinary in their conduct.

Moore suspected that there was some joke which he could not understand; but the ways of the Academy boys were always past his comprehension, so he and the waiters came bustling in with the first course of just such a banquet as would please a crowd of academicians, and would give an older person a stomach-ache for six weeks. Besides, the wise Mr.

Words came out of the post-office slit smooth, husky words with gloves on 'em, but sounding as if they might turn to bare knuckles any moment. "Say, Sport, do you know where you are at? Well, dis is Mike O'Grady's district you're buttin' into see? Mike's got de stomach-ache privilege for every kid in dis neighborhood see?