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This unquestionably saved his life, for the first two remedies take too long to act. This scene had a curious effect on the other camels, and for days after Stoddy was avoided, nor would any bear being tied on behind him without snapping their nose-lines or breaking their nose-pegs to get away.

As we prepared to load up, Stoddy was suddenly seized with the poison sickness, and careered at full speed round the camp in circles, falling down and rolling in agony at intervals. After a lot of trouble we stopped him, threw him, and roped him down; administered a gallon of very strong Epsom salts and water, then a dose of soapsuds, and bled him by slitting both ears.

It is hard to avoid, I am well aware, but it can be done; and I speak as an authority, for during our journey to Kimberley and the journey back again, over such country as I have endeavoured faithfully to describe, there were only two cases of camels with sore backs one was Billy, who had an improperly healed wound when we started, which, however, we soon cured; the other Stoddy, on the return journey.

Stoddy, whose back had been bad, was also recovering this the only sore back amongst them after so many miles of country well calculated to knock both packs and backs to pieces. By easy stages and frequent halts we eventually reached Coolgardie, after an absence of thirteen months.