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And it's true that it's not Goldenburg." "Oh, all right, let it go. You'd better arrange the laundry inquiry first thing in the morning. Now let me alone. I want to think." Sir Hilary Thornton had come to Heldon Foyle's stocktaking.

At school I was certainly never fond of it, and since school my acquaintance with figures had been little more than the adding up of long columns in huge books at the half-yearly stocktaking in the stores department at St. Rollox, a thing I detested, and which invariably gave me a headache. Well pleased was Mr. Wainwright to see that statistics took my fancy.

If you cannot answer them satisfactorily, then either you chose the book badly or your impression that you *read* it is a mistaken one. When the result of this stocktaking forces you to the conclusion that your riches are not so vast as you thought them to be, it is necessary to look about for the causes of the misfortune. The causes may be several. You may have been reading worthless books.

But he did not get up at once, and we turned to the fountain-pens. "Any nib," he said, "crossed ever so, I could mend it. Kep' the books too; we was always stocktaking." Now I think of it, fountain-pen shops always are stocktaking. They do it all down the Strand, with big red labels across the front.

Her black eyes were fixed upon the stranger without her being aware of it. She had dropped unconsciously into her "stocktaking" attitude. "Thank you very much," said the stranger. "I will call again to-morrow." The stranger, moving backward to the door, went out. Tommy sat with her face between her hands. Czerny's Exercises lay neglected. "Anybody called?" asked Peter Hope. "No," answered Tommy.

I said he seemed in a bit of a hurry to start stocktaking before the poor thing was buried; but anyhow, I went, and we took stock, and he counted his cash, and asked me to lock the place up if anything happened to him. Then we had a drink, and he bade me good-day, and said he was going to sit with Taloi awhile, before they took her away.

Is it a novel when did it help you to "understand all and forgive all"? Is it poetry when was it a magnifying glass to disclose beauty to you, or a fire to warm your cooling faith? If you can answer these questions satisfactorily, your stocktaking as regards the fruit of your traffic with that book may be reckoned satisfactory.

If you cannot answer them satisfactorily, then either you chose the book badly or your impression that you read it is a mistaken one. When the result of this stocktaking forces you to the conclusion that your riches are not so vast as you thought them to be, it is necessary to look about for the causes of the misfortune. The causes may be several. You may have been reading worthless books.

Day, having counted the stock of that commodity. "Two of them going bad. Say twenty-three, dear." "Twenty-three lemons," repeated Deleah, entering that number in the stocktaking book. "Three whole, and one half tin of ginger-nuts, at eight-pence the pound." "Three and a half tins Oh, wait a minute, mama." She held her pen suspended to look through the shop-window.

The arrival of middle age brought about a certain lowness of spirits in even the most robust: along with a more or less marked bodily languor went an uneasy sense of coming loss: the time was at hand to bid farewell to much that had hitherto made life agreeable; and for most this was a bitter pill. Meanwhile, one held a kind of mental stocktaking.