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He knew exactly what Dalyrimple was doing, and Dalyrimple knew he knew. "I'm in the stock-room and, sir, while I'm here I'd like to ask you how much longer I'll have to stay there." "Why I'm not sure exactly. Of course it takes some time to learn the stock." "You told me two months when I started." "Yes. Well, I'll speak to Mr. Hanson." Dalyrimple paused irresolute. "Thank you, sir."

'How much? 'Four shillings, please. She deposits a halfpenny, and receives four shillings, together with a ticket. Now for St. Albans. Sam! Sam! Ay, well might he turn red and stutter and look generally foolish when that quiet little girl stood before him in his 'stock-room' at the hotel. Her words were as quiet as her look. 'I'll write her a letter, he cries. 'Stop; you shall take it back.

Entering the elevator, they were soon taken to a floor three stories above. The stock-room was in the rear, the large windows overlooking an alley. The place was piled high with books of all descriptions, some in sets and others separate, from cheap reprints to costly volumes filled with etchings and engravings. "Here, Mr. Massanet, I've brought a young man to help you," said Mr.

At the last moment, however, Deacon Baxter had turned around in the wagon and said: "Patience, you go down to the store and have a regular house-cleanin' in the stock-room. Git Cephas to lift what you can't lift yourself, move everything in the place, sweep and dust it, scrub the floor, wash the winder, and make room for the new stuff that they'll bring up from Mill-town 'bout noon.

"Here it is: 'A fire occurred yesterday afternoon in the ladies' tailoring department. The stock-room was gutted, but fortunately the assistants escaped without injury." Dorothy, with a very long face, was reading over her mother's shoulder: "In consequence of a fire in the tailoring department Messrs.

"Brad, please be careful." He went into the store. He went through to the stock-room behind, pressed a button, and an elevator door opened in a rather surprising manner. He stepped inside and the elevator lowered him three hundred feet into the earth.

The main building was divided into five chief divisions the library, office, machine shops, experimental and chemical rooms, and stock-room. The use of the smaller buildings will be presently indicated. Surrounding the whole was erected a high picket fence with a gate placed on Valley Road.

It has no counterpart in the world! Beyond the stock-room, and occupying about half the building on the same floor, lie a machine shop, engine-room, and boiler-room.

Seven o'clock was the hour for opening at Williams & Mann's, and five minutes before that time Richard presented himself, and was let in by the sleepy porter. The elevator was not running at this time in the day, so Richard took the narrow iron stairs, and was soon in the stock-room, where he went to work at what he had been doing the previous day until Frank Massanet arrived.

In a week Richard felt quite at home, both in the stock-room at Williams & Mann's and at the Massanets'. During that time Mr. Williams had returned from Chicago, and both of the members of the firm seemed to be well satisfied by the way in which their new clerk discharged the duties assigned to him.