United States or Mayotte ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Had he been untied, the Devonshire or Hampshire coast would certainly have been his choice. There was Harold, however, and Harold's interests were their chief care. Harold was four-and-twenty now. Three years before he had been taken in hand by an acquaintance of his father's, the head of a considerable firm of stock-brokers, and fairly launched upon 'Change.

To this it may be answered that he might have made another fortune, if he chose; and we ought to add that he was not exactly moralizing. It had come back to him simply that what he had been looking at all summer was a very rich and beautiful world, and that it had not all been made by sharp railroad men and stock-brokers. During his stay at Baden-Baden he received a letter from Mrs.

In their third round they met somewhat in the shape of a Rat, which vanished away." Poor Christian Green got only fourpence half-penny for her soul, but her bargain was made some years later than that of the others, and quotations, as the stock-brokers would say, ranged lower. Her familiar took the shape of a hedgehog.

Stock-brokers are a painful subject, aren't they!" She turned to Nelly. "There's been an awful slump on the Stock Exchange today, and he got what was the word, Freddie?" "Nipped!" said Freddie with gloom. "Nipped!" "Nipped like the dickens!" "Nipped like the dickens!" Jill smiled at Nelly. "He had forgotten all about it in the excitement of being a jailbird, and I went and reminded him."

"Why why I'm the junior partner of the firm of Barton & Barton, stock-brokers! Why, we're the biggest " "Is that so?" quizzed the Older Man with feigned surprise. "Well well well! I beg your pardon. But now doesn't it all go to prove just exactly what I said in the beginning that it doesn't behoove a single one of us to judge too hastily by appearances?"

He waved us away, himself taking a seat at the table. I led Eve to a divan at the farther corner of the room. We sat there and watched the people. There were many whose faces I knew a sprinkling of stock-brokers, one or two actresses, and half a dozen or so men about town of a dubious type. On the whole the company was scarcely reputable. I looked at Eve and sighed. "Well, what is it?" she asked.

Who cares whether a man's rich, or who's son he is? In my batch when I went up to Aldershot there were men of all sorts, stock-brokers, landowners, city men, manufacturers, solicitors, some of them awfully rich, and then clerks, and schoolmasters, and lots of poor devils, like myself.

Speculation is a round game; the players see little or nothing of their cards at first starting; gains MAY be great and so may losses. The run of luck went against Mr Nickleby. A mania prevailed, a bubble burst, four stock-brokers took villa residences at Florence, four hundred nobodies were ruined, and among them Mr Nickleby.

Is life more than honor? Answer. Indiman looked at me, then he rose and took Mr. Sydenham by the arm. "Let us go into the card-room," he said, quietly. "Thorp, will you come?" The young man's story was very simple. He had held until lately the position of cashier in the firm of Sandford & Sands, stock-brokers. On January 15th a shortage of fifty thousand dollars had been discovered in his books.

On the other hand, the different groups of local functionaries in each town formed their own associations, similar to our notarial chambers, or those of our stock-brokers; these small associations had their own by-laws, meetings and treasury, frequently a civil status and the right of pleading, often a political status and the right of electing to the municipal council; consequently, besides his personal interests, each member cherished the professional interests of his guild.