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We told her that, with your consent or without it, we didn't have the power to sell off any part of the estate, and so, that bein' the case, the necessary money to send you off to school jest natchelly couldn't be provided noways, and that, since there was jest barely enough money comin' in to run the home and, by stintin', to care fur you and Mildred, any outside and special expense comin' on top of the regular expenses couldn't possibly be considered or, in other words, that you two couldn't hope to go to boardin' school.

Hit useter be a common sayin' in Jones, an' cle'r 'cross into Jasper, that pa would 'a bin a rich man an' 'a owned niggers if it hadn't but 'a bin bekase he sot his head agin stintin' of his stomach. That's what they useter say usen't they, Mingo?" "Dat w'at I year tell, Miss F'raishy sho'," Mingo assented, with great heartiness. But Mrs.

I got it for his pleasure, ef it was for my use, an', come to think about it, I'd be jest reversin' the thing on the pitcher. It would be for his use an' my pleasure. I wish I could see my way to buy it for him. Both goblets go with it, you say an' the slop bowl? It cert'n'y is handsome it cert'n'y is. An' it's expensive nobody could accuse me o' stintin' 'im.

"But do you think they'd give the poor lad twice o' pudding?" said Mrs. Tulliver, who was now in her place again. "He's such a boy for pudding as never was; an' a growing boy like that, it's dreadful to think o' their stintin' him." "And what money 'ud he want?" said Mr. Tulliver, whose instinct told him that the services of this admirable M.A. would bear a high price.

I has a rare fine catch of martens and minks, and one cross fox, three reds and seven whites, but I never catches a silver. 'Tis worth all the fox skins I gets three times over!" "And now we'll be havin' a wonderful lot o' things we needs," Mrs. Twig smiled happily. "Aye, that we will!" Skipper Zeb boomed heartily. "We can afford un now without stintin'. We'll have un!