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He steadied the small mitrailleuse on the edge of the cockpit, holding the craft's stick between his knees, and squeezed off a burst which rattled through the other's fuselage without apparent damage. The foe glider slid away quickly, losing precious altitude in the maneuver. "Ah, ha," Joe said wolfishly. "So now they know we've got a stinger too." "I got that," Freddy crowed. "I got it perfectly.

"Why two?" he asked kindly, for Bo Peep's face was so full of sorrow he could not help pitying the boy. "Please, kaint I go with you all? I can cook betteh'n Miss Virginia eveh could, an' I can be lots of help an' you all'll need help." "But it's a stinger of a storm, Bo Peep," the doctor insisted, anxious to be off. "Neveh mind! Neveh mind! Lemme go. I won't complain of no stom."

They had fallen there in deadly embrace, the clumsier holding his antagonist by brute strength that ultimately would break its frail body; but the wily wasp, conscious of this danger, sent thrust after thrust of its venomous stinger with lightning stabs up and down its enemy's armor, trusting to chance that a vulnerable spot might be found between the scales.

The Queen may be taken in the hand without danger, for she never stings by design, except when conflicting with another Queen; and yet she has a stinger at least one third longer, but more feeble than a worker. The Queen is known by her peculiar shape, size, and movements. She differs but little in color from a worker, and has the same number of legs and wings.

Our hero nimbly evaded the blows, acting entirely on the defensive, and when Stoker at length paused, panting, the hammytoor was standing before him quite cool, and with the grim look intensified. "If you will have it take it!" he exclaimed, and shot forth a blow which one of the juvenile bystanders described as a "stinger on the beak!"

"I will make myself as light a trial as possible," suggested Colonel Menard. "You have had one wife." "Yes, madame." "But she died." The tiny high voice had the thrust of an insect's stinger. "If she were alive, madame, I could not now have the honor of asking for Mademoiselle Angélique's hand." The dimpling grooves in his cheeks did not escape tante-gra'mère's black eyes.

At supper Uncle Hannibal asked us to tell him more about those Egyptian bees, of which he had never heard before; and after the meal he went out to see the colonies in the garden. He walked up to a hive and boldly caught one of the bees between his thumb and forefinger. Holding it fast, he picked up a pea pod for it to sting, so that he could see how long a stinger it had.

So, before you could fan yourself with a feather, the porcupine took out one of his stickers, and he stuck the wasp with it so hard that the bad wasp was glad enough to fly away, taking his stinger with him. "Now, it's your turn!" cried the porcupine to the fox, and with that he threw a whole lot of his sharp quills at the fox, and that bad creature ran away howling.

Joe went about shivering in an old coat of Dad's with only one sleeve to it a calf had fancied the other one day that Dad hung it on a post as a mark to go by while ploughing. "My! it'll be a stinger to-night," Dad remarked to Mrs. Brown who sat, cold-looking, on the sofa as he staggered inside with an immense log for the fire. A log! Nearer a whole tree! But wood was nothing in Dad's eyes. Mrs.

'Stinger, he distinctly heard the Captain say, up in his room, as if that were no business of his. Therefore Walter gave two knocks.