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He paused; looked up at Miss Belcher, who had squared her elbows on the table in very unladylike fashion; and cleared his throat before proceeding "You will excuse me for mentioning this, but it is an essential part of my story." "The Stimcoes," suggested Miss Belcher, "didn't pay up eh?" "Mr. Stimcoe though a scholar, ma'am has suffered from time to time from pecuniary embarrassment."

Stimcoes and Rogerses are hated rivals. If you can whack Bully Stokes for us " "But Mrs. Stimcoe told me that you were taking a walk with the butler," I interrupted. Master Bates winked. "Would you like to see him?"

Spargo into coming, for I doubt if the Stimcoes had ever paid him a stiver. "But you can be very useful," she went on, in a tone unusually gentle. "You will find Mr.

My own was badly pounded; for we fought or, at any rate, I fought without the smallest science; it was blow for blow, plain give-and-take, from the start. But what distressed me was the extreme tenderness of my knuckles; and what chiefly irritated me was the behaviour of Doggy Bates, dancing about and screaming, "Go it, Stimcoes! Stimcoes for ever!"

This ordeal appeared so dreadful to me in prospect that I began to cast about among all manner of impracticable plans for escaping it. Of these the most promising although I had no money was to give the Stimcoes leg-bail and run home; the most alluring, too, since it offered to deaden the torment of uncertainty by keeping me employed, mind and body. I must follow the coach-road.