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Rhodes's embarrassment in unconcealed delight. "Let Essie bring you another cup," suggested Mr. Symes. "Oh, no! not at all; I take sweetenin' in everything," declared Mr. Rhodes. There was a distinct relaxation of tension all around when Andy P. Symes took the initiative in the matter of spoons. "This here soup makes me think of the time I had mountain fever and et it stiddy for three weeks."

When she was young her mother never could pr'vail on her to set in the house stiddy and sew, and she used to have great misgivin's that Lo'isa never was going to be capable. How about those fish you caught this morning? good, were they? Mis Sands had dinner on the stocks when I got home, and she said she wouldn't fry any 'til supper-time; but I calc'lated to have 'em this noon.

And I sez agin "Good land! the masses have got to eat. And I guess you starve the masses a spell and they'll think that good bread is as necessary and helpful to 'em as anything can be. And as fer its bein' a risin' occupation, why," sez I, "it is stiddy risen' risin' in the mornin, and risin' at night, and all night, both hop and milk emptin's.

The Bishop gave him another and took one himself, remarking as he did so, "I was pow'ful flustrated when I heard you was dyin' again, Davy, an' I need it to stiddy my nerves. Now, fetch out yo' will, Davy," he added. As he took it the Bishop adjusted his big spectacles, buttoned up his coat, and drew himself up as he did in the pulpit.

The rifle lay against the wall behind him, and he turned and touched it almost caressingly. "I ain't let go like this since he was killed, Sinnet. It don't do. I got to keep myself stiddy to do the trick when the minute comes. At first I usen't to sleep at nights, thinkin' of Clint, an' missin' him, an' I got shaky and no good.

Sometimes in the warm summer weather Molly, his wife, and all the children tramped with him, so that the house was closed for weeks at a time, a thing very trying to the conventional sensibilities of Tiverton. Tom might have had a "stiddy job o' work" with some of the farmers; Molly might have helped about the churning and ironing.

The figgers seemed at first sight to kind o' encourage wine-makin' and wine-drinkin'. But look clost, and you'd see on one side, workin' his stiddy way up through the fairy landscape, up through the gay revellers, a venemous serpent wuz a-creepin'. He wuz bound to be there, and Venus or Nymph, or any of 'em that touched that foamin' wine, had to be stung by his deadly venoms. Mr.

On each side of me somebody put his hand to my shoulder. I could see the glow of a lantern-light close to my face. I knew there was a crowd of men around, but I could hear nothing save now and then a whisper. "Wall, Ray," said D'ri, who stood by my side, "hol' stiddy 'n' don't be scairt." "Do as they tell ye," a stranger whispered in my ear. "No matter what 't is, do as they tell ye."

Thar were five of 'em in all, an' I settled on Eliza, as it was, with my eyes blindfold. Poor John poor John! It was sech a terrible waste of wantin'." "Well, it's a thing to stiddy about," said old Jacob, with a sigh.

So I put a cinch on myself, an' got to sleepin' again from the full dusk to dawn, for Greevy wouldn't take the trail at night. I've kept stiddy." He held out his hand as though to show that it was firm and steady, but it trembled with the emotion which had conquered him. He saw it, and shook his head angrily. "It was seein' you, Sinnet. It burst me.