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Then who sets this Bull Sternford in the mill? Why? He says, 'This man can do the things I need. Well? Say quick to your man, 'Do not leave this camp of Skandinavia. Martin is there, or near by. He must know this Father Adam, too. He must be in touch with him. Maybe he watches the Skandinavia work. Maybe he plays his game so. Maybe he goes from Sachigo for that reason. Yes?"

He's driving his great purpose with all his force through the agency of a groundwood mill that would fill your Skandinavia folk with envy and alarm if they saw it. He's master of forests such as would break your heart when compared with these of your Skandinavia. His name's Sternford. Bull Sternford, of Sachigo." At the mention of Sachigo, Nancy's eyes widened. Then she laughed.

She stood clutching at the window casing, in a desperate effort to steady herself. She knew. Oh, yes, it could be no other. It must be Bull Sternford they were bringing up. Bull Sternford the man who The agents of the Skandinavia had done him to death! The agents of the Skandinavia! Bat Harker was standing at the window of the office on the hill.

And Bull Sternford, for all his absorption in his work, had watched with troubled feelings. His love for Nancy had perhaps robbed him of that vision which should have told him of the necessity, in her own interests, for that which the girl was doing.

Then Bull Sternford was back at the table, while his comrades, Bat and Lawton, and the men of loyalty they relied on, lined the platform. As Bull snatched up the document and held it aloft, a deathly silence reigned throughout the hall, and every eye was turned angrily upon the intruders. Bull yielded not a moment for those witless minds to recover from their shock. His voice rang out fiercely.

I don't know. But well, I'll have to quit you here. They're setting up the two big new machines, and it don't do leaving them long. So long. Anything else you need to know about that recreation room, why, I guess I can hand it to you." Bull Sternford laid the telegram aside while a shadowy smile hovered about his firm lips.

She felt a certain pity that it was necessary that so brave a man's hopes must be crushed and all his plans broken, but that was all. She told herself these things very deliberately. And so she had hurried over her mid-day meal, lest she should miss the sight of the Empress steaming out, with Bull Sternford aboard. The day was cold and grey.

I'll set about it right away in my own fashion and I'll promise you a quick result. We'll smash these folk all right. But how it's to hand you the man you need I'm not wise " "No." Hellbeam's eyes were certainly derisive as they turned back from the window. "This man, Martin, will show himself when he sees the destruction. My people will do the rest." "Unless he leaves it to Sternford.

Skert's eyes were wide, and his tone was savage. "That's just it. I reckoned to show Sternford all this stuff," he went on, indicating the machine hall with a jerk of his head. "But we'll have to let it pass. Say," he glanced from one to the other, his expression developing to something like white fury. "They started. It's business this time. I got a message up they were stopping the grinders.

"Meanwhile," he said, leaning over the desk, "it might be well for you to get a grip on the fact that Sachigo's going right on. It's the greatest groundwood proposition in the world. I know enough of Harker to realise his capacity to make it do just what he needs. And as for that other this Sternford kid why, I gather he's a pretty live wire that's set there for a reason.