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Adopted daughter, that was it, of an aunt no, a step-sister of Lord Castleclare, that ineffable little prig of twenty-two, who as a Peer and Privy Councillor of Ireland, and a Lord-in-Waiting to boot, was nevertheless a personage to be deferred to. One had heard, hadn't one, ages ago, of the famous beauty, Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne?

We follow this zig-zag path westward, leaving behind us sunny slopes covered with peach-trees, vineyards, gardens and orchards, till flourishing little Le Rozier and its neglected step-sister, Peyreleau, are hidden deep below, dropped, as it seems, into the depths of a gulf.

She had never thought of that before, and wondered why. But he would marry one of these days. He wasn't forty yet. Then she would have to leave Sutton, she couldn't live there with a step-sister. 'So you're not married yet, Harold. 'No, not yet. 'Not even engaged? 'No, not even engaged. 'I suppose you will one of these days. 'Perhaps, one of these days, but I'm in no hurry.

When the child was ten years old, his step-sister Sophia took possession of the Russian throne. The little boy was allowed to spend his days in the suburbs of the national capital, where the foreigners lived.

She turned as she spoke to Brenda herself, with a protective gesture of her little hand. "I know it will not grieve you, dear, to hear that," she continued. "It is not as if you were so attached to them all at the Hall..." "But who, then...?" Brenda began, evidently too startled by this astonishing news to realise its true significance. "She was my step-sister, Claire Sévérac, dear," Mrs.

"If you say I must. One does not like to say ill things of the dead." "We want to get to the bottom of this matter, Mr. Gard. Tell us all you know that will help us." "Very well, sir, but I am sorry to have to go into that. It all began through Tom's bad treatment of his stepmother and step-sister and brother when I lived at La Closerie.

"And I regret to hear from Lady Castleclare that Mrs. Saxham gave no encouragement to the suggestion. I confess myself disappointed equally with my wife and my elder step-sister, the Duchess of Broads, to whom the letter was written the letter that you will understand conveys to the family I represent, the last wishes of one whose memory we hold in the most sacred love and reverence "

"Never mind, mother, the world isn't emptied yet; I'll go and fetch you still greater treasures." After saying this she angrily set off at once. She walked and walked along the same path her step-sister had followed.

'Well, if she is as beautiful as that, I will have her for my Queen, said the King, and he commanded the youth to go home and fetch her without a moment's delay, and to lose no time in coming back. The youth promised to make all the haste he could, and set forth from the King's palace. When the brother arrived at home to fetch his sister, her stepmother and step-sister would go too.

Seems 's if he knew all about that trouble over the land." Hetty's face lighted scornfully. "Trouble over the land!" she echoed. "Who made the trouble? That's what I want to know who made it? Susan Hill May, that's who made it. You needn't look at me, Lucy. I ain't pious, as you be, an' I don't care if she is my step-sister. You know how 'twas, as well as I do.