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Drew paused to glance into the single small, glass-fronted case which was Stein’s claim to fame in the surrounding territory. The exotic wares on display were a strange mixture: a few pieces of jewelry, heavy Spanish things which might be a century or more old, several six-gunsone with an ornate ivory handle.... Drew stopped and pulled a finger across the dusty surface of the glass case.

Fire ... hot coffee ... there was no sign of either. He yawned and jerked his coat straight about him. His attention suddenly focused on an object which lay on the ground at Chino’s left. It was a book, the same size as the three he had bought at Stein’s! Without thinking, Drew moved forward, was about to reach for the volume when he heard the click of a cocked Colt. A hand swept down on the book.

Mistuh Shannon’s in bed at th’ doctuh’s; he’s gonna be all right soon’s he gets ovah a mighty big headache." He had actually forgotten Shannon! Hastily Drew expressed his satisfaction at the news and added: "This is my cousin from Texas, Hamilcar. He hit town ridin’ light. I’m goin’ over to pick him up a new outfit at Stein’s. You give him all the rest, will you?" "Yes, suh."

They’s sure seen a lotta history bein’ made by men climbin’ up an’ down from saddles!" "Let’s hope ... no more wars." Drew set the three books in a pile and regarded them attentively. Stein’s story of their originout of a trunk hidden in a desert cavewas most intriguing. What else had been in that trunk? "Anse," he asked, "why would anyone hide a trunk in a cave?"

"Earned me a good ten with the cane when I read it instead of dealing faithfully with Caesar’s campaigns in Gaul. I did get to finish it before I was caught out." The pages separated stiffly under his exploring fingers as if the volume had not been opened for a long time. He did not notice that Stein was eyeing him with new appraisal. "These for sale?" "In Stein’s everything is for sale."

They were part of someone’s personal libraryhad no bookplate, though." "And what was Stein’s story concerning them?" "An old prospector named Lutterfield found them in a trunk in some cave he located out in the desert country. He brought them in to trade for supplies." "Lutterfield," Rennie repeated thoughtfully. "Yes, that could be." "Trunk in a cave?" Herrera was skeptical.