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I wondered whether I had stumbled upon at least one of the causes. At any rate, I did not forget we also had the heroes of the Watkin Works. Nadegenska is the extreme north-west point of the Ural system of railways, and is famous because of its great privately-owned steelworks.

James said that it was frightful in the forecastle." "Much he knows about such places! It wasn't anything to a glass- factory or steelworks. If it had been the stokehole, instead I did try stoking, one day, just to pass the time. Stood it two hours. Those Lascars are born under the equator. I don't see how any white man can stoke in the tropics." "You did that? to pass the time!

The end of it was that the young lady sent them a basket of things to eat, and left a letter that Jurgis was to take to a gentleman who was superintendent in one of the mills of the great steelworks in South Chicago. "He will get Jurgis something to do," the young lady had said, and added, smiling through her tears "If he doesn't, he will never marry me."

He found the arms of his chair and sat down weakly, and with his head thrown back he looked up at me with an expression of wonder on his face. "I leave to-morrow," said I. "It will be a long time before I see you again. Will you say good-by to Penelope for me?" "I see, David," he exclaimed. His voice snapped, as I fancy it did sometimes when affairs in the steelworks were awry.

There was no chance for a woman at the steelworks, and Marija was now ready for work again, and lured on from day to day by the hope of finding it at the yards. In a week Jurgis got over his sense of helplessness and bewilderment in the rail mill. He learned to find his way about and to take all the miracles and terrors for granted, to work without hearing the rumbling and crashing.