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This emblem is covered with jewels of the choicest character, among which are steel-white diamonds and rubies of pigeon's-blood hue, such as are rarely obtainable in our day. While viewing the many attractions of Moscow one is apt to recall a page from history and remember the heroic, self-sacrificing means which the people of this Asiatic city adopted to repel the invading and victorious enemy.

Some of its sturdy exposed roots reached down from the bank into the water, where they caught and held the drift from upstream, reeds and twigs and matted grass, a dirty, sickly mass that swished lazily on the flank of the slow-moving current. The water here in the shade was deep and clear and limpid, contrasting sharply with the steel-white surface out beyond.

Lennon smiled at the revolver and the still more menacing steel-white eyes that glared at him along the barrel. "Is it not time you set to thinking yourself, Slade?" he suggested. "Alive, I am worth ten thousand dollars to you, as soon as you keep your bargain. Dead, I would not be worth a penny to you or any one else."

Through the stillness and the blackness of the night came every now and then the high-pitched undulating wails of women, that no one answered-for, under that Tophet-lid of blackness, punctured by the low-hung, steel-white stars, men neither knew nor cared whose child had died. Life and hell-hot torture and indifference all three were one.

Seat yourself in an easy position and focus on the moon. Shut out all earthly scenes from your mind and imagine yourself wandering amid those arid wastes. What a scene of cosmic desolation! What vast deserts, and gaping craters of barren rock! The cold, steel-white planet seems of all things most typical of death. But those specks passing across its surface?

When Parker, fully awakening in the early dawn, looked out upon the frosty air, his breath was as visibly voluminous as the puff from an escape-valve of the "Swogon." With his finger-nail he scratched the winter enameling from his window-pane, and through that peep-hole gazed out upon the lake. The frozen expanse stretched steel-white, glary and glistening, a solid sheet of ice.

"Wait!" he commanded. "We must first carry the levels down to the tunnel site. You hear that? Stick by me, and I'll pull you through. Try to run, and, by God, I'll shoot you like a dog!" The captive glared into the steel-white eyes of the engineer, anger overcoming his panicky fear. "Let go!" he panted. "Don't worry! I'll do my work I'll do my work!"