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Leyden's own steam launch had been commandeered into the service, and was taking up the scattered guards from the farther bank; somewhere in the blue and yellow haze of the sea beyond the river sounded the hoarse, prolonged blast of a steamship's siren; and Houten was giving expert first aid to the knife-cut in Vandersee's shoulder, while that stolid individual insisted in shame-tinged gutturals that it was nothing.

What was it that directed his prophetic vision across the mystery of many months, to discover us two, standing side by side, when we perused his letter? What was it that told him that we would love and wed? Many years have passed since that night on the steamship's deck, and we have never seen nor heard from Saberevski since. He was a mystery to me when I knew him; he remains a mystery still.

Captain! Save us from all being murdered!" Two or three young children, who also saw the floating, queerly-shaped little craft dancing on the waves just off the steamship's starboard bow, began to scream in terror. Even several of the men, who should have known better, experienced a shock of fright for a moment.

As soon as the medical man had examined them, the steamship's captain began to question them. "Headed for the Azores, eh?" demanded the ship's master. "We ought to be able to sight your squadron before long." He hastened out, to give orders to the deck officer.

He recalled to mind Mr. Murphy's favorite story of the old sailing skipper who went into steam and who, during his very first watch on the steamship's bridge, ordered the man at the wheel to starboard his helm, and then forgot to tell him to steady it the consequence being that the helmsman held hard-a-starboard and the ship commenced to describe a circle; whereupon the old sailing skipper got excited and screamed: "Back that main yard!"

That gave Eph Somers a chance to spring out on the platform deck with Ensign Trahern and the sole remaining midshipman. "I'd better run along, now, to pick 'em up, sir, hadn't I?" called Eph Somers to the naval officer. "By all means, Mr. Somers." The steamship's boat, too, pulled by a strong, well-trained crew, was now getting close to the scene.

After several hours' hard work, the engineer came to the captain and lifeboatmen and said, 'It's all up; the water's coming in as fast as we pump it out. Come down and see for yourselves! It was too true, the good steamship's back was broken, and the clear sea-water bubbled into her faster than it could be got out.

"Signal the first home-bound vessel and be taken into Frisco. "Well, I'm not keen on shark-hunting myself," said Wilbur. But Moran showed no interest in his plans. However, they soon found that they were not to be permitted to signal. At noon the same day the schooner sighted a steamship's smoke on the horizon, and began to raise her rapidly.

It will be about 150 feet in length, 20 to 40 feet diameter of the gasometer, with propelling blades on each side of the centre, describing a radius of about 16 feet. The propellers are shaped like a steamship's, with two blades, each very light. They will be driven by a steam-engine of five-horse power, weighing, with boiler connections and water, 430 pounds weight.

And so, seated there in what he had endeavoured to make the one approachably clean spot available, Finn pointed his long muzzle toward the stars he could not see, and, opening his jaws wide, expelled from them the true Irish Wolfhound howl, which seemed to tear its way outward and upward from the very centre of the hound's grief-smitten heart, to wind slowly through his lungs and throat, and to reach the outer air with very much the effect of a big steamship's syren in a dense fog.