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He was still talking as the whirr of swift-rushing wheels smothered out his voice, and the dust rose like a steam-cloud, almost blotting him from the landscape. "Oh, girl! I thought you'd been killed." "Here, sit down, mother; you're all worked up," and Allis put a cool hand on her mother's hot forehead. But the shock to her feelings had loosed the good woman's vocabulary.

Here the wreaths looked soft and pearly and grey, there they were flushed with a lovely pink which, as the steam-cloud curled over, became scarlet and orange and gold.

From the rim of this basin on which the visitors stood the sides sloped so gradually inward that the flat floor at the bottom was not more than half that diameter. This floor which was about 150 feet below the upper edge was covered with a black crust, and in the centre of it was the tremendous cavity between one and two hundred feet in diameter from which issued the great steam-cloud.

From the rim of this basin on which the visitors stood the sides sloped so gradually inward that the flat floor at the bottom was not more than half that in diameter. This floor which was about 150 feet below the upper edge was covered with a black crust, and in the centre of it was the tremendous cavity between one and two hundred feet in diameter from which issued the great steam-cloud.

Each explosion being accompanied by an uncovering of the molten lava in the vent, the overhanging steam-cloud was lighted up with a grand glow for a few seconds. Some of the party, who seemed to be authorities on such matters, estimated that the vapour-column rose to a height of nearly 10,000 feet, and that fragments of pumice were shot upwards to a height of 600 feet.

A palate or an appetite so jaded that it cannot appreciate thought put before it plainly, or so sluggish that it requires to be stung or puzzled into thinking, may derive some advantage. But are these exactly the tastes and appetites that should be accepted as arbiters? Again, partly through this perpetual mirage and steam-cloud of style, partly by other methods, Mr.

Each explosion being accompanied by an uncovering of the molten lava in the vent, the overhanging steam-cloud was lighted up with a grand glow for a few seconds. Some of the party, who seemed to be authorities on such matters, estimated that the vapour-column rose to a height of nearly 10,000 feet, and that fragments of pumice were shot upwards to a height of 600 feet.