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The goddess Lakshmi always stayeth there, also Kuvera's son Nalakuvera. Myself and many others like myself often repair thither. Many Brahmana Rishis and celestial Rishis also repair there often. Many Rakshasas, and many Gandharvas, besides those that have been named, wait upon the worship, in that mansion, the illustrious lord of all treasures.

Afflictions are governed by God, both as to time, number, nature, and measure. In measure, when it shooteth forth, thou wilt debate with it: "He stayeth his rough wind in the day of his east wind." Our times, therefore, and our conditions in these times, are in the hand of God, yea, and so are our souls and bodies, to be kept and preserved from the evil while the rod of God is upon us.

If the son of Pritha and Pandu stayeth even in the woods with Draupadi, and surrounded by his armed brothers, who is there, even in the possession of a kingdom, that is competent to vanquish him? Having proceeded to Kuvera's abode and having procured wealth therefrom, the Pandavas are now desirous of attacking thy swelling kingdom and winning sovereignty for themselves.

In that mansion O king, the Supreme Deity, the Grand- sire of all created things, having himself created everything by virtue of his creative illusion, stayeth ever. Wealth and Religion and Desire, and Joy, and Aversion, and Asceticism and Tranquillity all wait together upon the Supreme Deity in that palace.

This was exceedingly kind; for air and exercise are the only means, which almost immediately relieve my head. How much greater would have been the affliction, had I not been able to walk about in the air! Truly, "He stayeth His rough wind, in the day of His east wind." I delight in pointing out the gentleness of the stroke. Oxford, Feb. 7, 1838.

"Doth she mistreat thee?" "There be times that she stayeth her hand, being asleep or overcome with drink; but when she hath her judgment clear again, she maketh it up to me with goodly beatings." A fierce look came into the little prince's eyes, and he cried out "What! Beatings?" "Oh, indeed, yes, please you, sir." "BEATINGS! and thou so frail and little.

The enemy, it is evident, by the aid of trusted artists well-skilled in the construction of houses, have finely built this mansion, after procuring hemp, resin, heath, straw, and bamboos, all soaked in clarified butter. This wicked wretch, Purochana, acting under the instruction of Duryodhana, stayeth here with the object of burning me to death when he seeth me trustful.

"'Upon the slaughter, O king, of Vrihatkshatra, that mighty car-warrior among the Kaikeyas, the son of Sisupala, filled with rage, addressed his charioteer, saying, "O charioteer, proceed to the spot where Drona stayeth, clad in armour and engaged in slaying the Kaikeya and the Panchala hosts."

Legate replied he had prayed to Christ in the days of his ignorance, but not for the last seven years. “Away, base fellowsaid James, spurning him with his foot, “it shall never be said that one stayeth in my palace that hath never prayed to our Saviour for seven years togetherLegate, having been imprisoned for some time in Newgate, was declared an incorrigible heretic and burned at Smithfield . Just a month later, one Wightman was burned at Lichfield, by the Bishop of Coventry, for heterodox doctrines.

He stayeth in battle as a foe, vomitting and scattering swarms of arrows. Who is there that will defeat him?" "Sanjaya said, 'That which hath been uttered by thee, O king, with respect to Duryodhana is all true. Nothing that thou hast said, O lord of the earth, is untrue.