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They were from a very valuable quartz mine; a lady owns two-thirds of it; she has an income of $75,000 a month from it, and is able to keep house. The Stawell region is not productive of gold only; it has great vineyards, and produces exceptionally fine wines. One of these vineyards the Great Western, owned by Mr. Irving is regarded as a model. Its product has reputation abroad.

They were from a very valuable quartz mine; a lady owns two-thirds of it; she has an income of $75,000 a month from it, and is able to keep house. The Stawell region is not productive of gold only; it has great vineyards, and produces exceptionally fine wines. One of these vineyards the Great Western, owned by Mr. Irving is regarded as a model. Its product has reputation abroad.

I found time to reach Sir William Stawell at his pleasant suburban residence at Kew, and was most agreeably disappointed to find the veteran head of the law very much more like his former self than report had accredited him. Another old friend, Sir Francis Murphy, I have as yet failed to meet, and also Mr. David Moore. Mr. Francis Henty drove us to the St. Kilda-road to pay our respects to Mrs.

On the N. is a projecting chapel containing a fan-traceried roof of considerable merit, but the interior of the building is not now on view. Stawell, a parish 3-1/2 m. S.W. of Edington Station. Stawley, a village on the Tone, 3 m. S.E. of Venn Cross station.

On the way back to Stawell we had a chance to see a group of boulders called the Three Sisters a curiosity oddly located; for it was upon high ground, with the land sloping away from it, and no height above it from whence the boulders could have rolled down. Relics of an early ice-drift, perhaps. They are noble boulders.

Such it was, for, with a few comparatively unimportant mitigations, secured by the ability and influence of Attorney-General Stawell, the impatient Assembly, highly appreciating and determined to have the measure, promptly passed it by a large majority.

It is a very intelligent tree and will detect the presence of hidden water at a distance of fifty feet, and send out slender long root-fibres to prospect it. They will find it; and will also get at it even through a cement wall six inches thick. Once a cement water-pipe under ground at Stawell began to gradually reduce its output, and finally ceased altogether to deliver water.

It is a very intelligent tree and will detect the presence of hidden water at a distance of fifty feet, and send out slender long root-fibres to prospect it. They will find it; and will also get at it even through a cement wall six inches thick. Once a cement water-pipe under ground at Stawell began to gradually reduce its output, and finally ceased altogether to deliver water.

The perplexing series of terraces overlooking the church are all that remains of a fantastic scheme of his to build a mansion which, like his wife and horse, should be the most beautiful thing of its kind in the world. But L'homme propose...; Lord Stawell never got any further than these embankments. The church is modern. Hamdon Hill. See Stoke, East. Hardington, a hamlet 5 m. N.W. of Frome.

On the way back to Stawell we had a chance to see a group of boulders called the Three Sisters a curiosity oddly located; for it was upon high ground, with the land sloping away from it, and no height above it from whence the boulders could have rolled down. Relics of an early ice-drift, perhaps. They are noble boulders.