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It puzzled the stationmaster some time ago. By the way, you appear to like the shade of the yew trees outside. Do you always approach Beechcroft Hall in the same way?" The ex-sailor's bold eyes did not fall before the barrister's penetrating glance. "What the deuce has it got to do with you?" he replied fiercely. "Who has appointed you grand inquisitor to the family, I should like to know?

How his round eyes will bulge out of their sockets when I tell him what I have just learnt." The surprising information given by the stationmaster impressed the barrister as so much unexpected trover which would assert its value in the progress of events. He certainly did not anticipate the discovery of three David Humes, though he had hoped to find traces of two.

Nothing ever occurs either to Molly or Oonah at any previous moment, and in that they are merely conforming to the universal habit. Last week, when we were starting for Valencia Island, the Ballyfuchsia stationmaster was absent at a funeral; meantime the engine had 'gone cold on the engineer, and the train could not leave till twelve minutes after the usual time.

The way in which the course of evolution will work the problem out may be indicated thus: First, the owners of automobiles will find it convenient in many instances to run by road to the nearest railway station which suits their purposes, leaving their machines in charge of the stationmaster and going on by train.

Working in the fields were dozens of brown-skinned Lani who paused to look up and wave as the jeep sped by. Occasional clusters of farm buildings and the low barrackslike stations appeared and disappeared behind them. "There's about twenty Lani at each of these stations," Blalok said, "They work the farm area under the direction of the stationmaster." "He's a farmer?" "Of course.

Another stationmaster, in our own territory, acted as spy to the enemy before the war began by employing enemies as gangers and platelayers along the line with a view to the destruction of bridges and culverts as soon as war was declared. There was also found in his office a code by which the different arms of the service were designated in terms of timber for secretly telegraphing information.

The natural result was that we missed another train, and the stationmaster, who must have had an especial dislike for me, had not sent on the horse-box, and was more angry than ever. Of all the obstinate people in the world I think a station-master at a small station can be easily first, and our efforts to soothe him produced no effect whatever.

Mundella wanted to get power for the Board of Trade to regulate the hours of labour among poor railway men. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach who burnt his fingers over Stationmaster Hood rushed up after Mr. Mundella had sate down to claim a portion of the credit for this beneficial change. Here, again, the Opposition showed that meekness which has come over its temper.

Brett had gone thus far in his spoken commentary on the affair as it now presented itself to his mind when Winter asked: "Why do you say 'recognised' him, Mr. Brett? We have no evidence that Sir Alan had ever seen Ooma?" "What, none? Search through your memory. Did not the stationmaster see a third David Hume leave the station that day when the movements of only two are known to us.

He had vaguely intended to visit the local police. Now he made up his mind to go to Ipswich and thence to London. Further delay at Stowmarket was useless. Before his train quitted the station he made matters right with the stationmaster by explaining to him the identity of the two men who had attracted his attention the previous evening.