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I'm running a special right through to General Beauregard at Corinth. He is badly in need of powder." "Be the powder there?" asked the station-master, pointing to the three baggage cars. The men hiding in one of them had received their instructions; they were as silent as the grave, and their doors were closed. The brakemen sat mute on top of the cars.

The station-master looked around as if he were looking for Soviet spies. "He's a scientist, all right. He's doin' something important and hush-hush up there. Lots and lots of boxes and packin' cases I've delivered up there from places like Central Scientific and Labotory Supply Company. Must be a smart feller. You visitin' him?" "Well, he hired me for housekeeper. By mail." Mrs.

He had apparently gathered from the station-master so much of Gaites's personal history as had accumulated since he left the express train at Middlemount. "Thought you'd try a caboose for a little change from a pahla-cah," he suggested, humorously. "Well, yes," Gaites partially admitted.

But, fortunately for him, the stove, having been marked and registered as "fragile and valuable," was not treated quite like a mere bale of goods, and the Rosenheim station-master, who knew its consignees, resolved to send it on by a passenger train that would leave there at daybreak.

He called Galipaud to him, saying sharply: "Here is the more detailed description of the lady's maid, and in writing. Have it copied and circulate it at once. Give it to the station-master, and to the agents of police round about here. I have an idea only an idea that this woman has not gone far. It may be worth nothing, still there is the chance.

Half an hour later, at the station, Harper drew up with a sonorous clatter of hoofs. The station-master hurried forward to interview the coachman. In a moment he turned with a beaming face. "It's good news for ye, miss. The Governor's sent his own kerridge for ye, then. Blessed Mary, but it's him that's condescendin'. Get right in, miss."

Then, seating herself opposite him on the edge of the table, she glanced at the telegraph form lying before him. "Are you wiring for more news?" "Yes. I want an 'urgent, care of the Station-master, to catch me at Lahore to-morrow night, and another at Thung dak bungalow next day; unless . . . of course . . ." "Hush, hush. You must not think of that." He frowned, and was silent.

When I arrived at Upton, the station-master made a charge at my carriage, and asked me if I was "The gentleman for the Towers?" The whole affair was so mysterious that I thought it better to answer in the affirmative. I dismissed all thoughts of the Pauper Lunatic Asylum and the Nihilists, and was whirled through miles of park and up an avenue lighted by electricity.

First, however, he bound a handkerchief round his shoulder to arrest the flow of blood. When he reached the station, and was purchasing his ticket, the station-master noticed the blood upon his shirt. "Are you hurt, sir?" he asked. "Yes, a little," said Ben Haley. "How did it happen?" inquired the other, with Yankee inquisitiveness.

As the station-master made this last answer he looked at me curiously, no doubt wondering what the object of all these questions could be; but he certainly had no notion of what was passing in my mind, or he would not have turned into his office as he did, and left me there alone upon the platform. I was young and impetuous, and a sudden wild determination had taken possession of me.