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At this time Chief-Justice Kotzé undertook several journeys to the Free State and Cape Colony, ostensibly to rid himself of insomnia, but in reality, as results proved, in order to employ a judge for this trial. His choice eventually fell upon Mr. Gregorowski, formerly a judge in the Free State, and at that time State-Attorney to that country. Mr.

Sworn before me on this the 7th day of March, 1896. H. J. COSTER, State-Attorney and ex-officio J.P.

We, the undersigned, Benjamin Johannes Viljoen and Michiel Joseph Adendorff, the persons mentioned in the preceding declaration, declare under oath that the facts stated therein, which we witnessed, as stated above, are true and correct. Sworn before me on the 6th March, 1896. H.J. COSTER, State-Attorney and ex-officio J.P. Downing Street, April 21, 1896. I am directed by Mr.

Yet many of their best men had come to feel that there was wrong and injustice done the minority; that there should be a stop put to the open ignoring of Democratic lawyers, numbering in their ranks many men of wide learning and of great practical ability; that the spectacle of a Federal state-attorney prosecuting Republican editors was not edifying, and that the imprisonment of such offenders and their trial before a hostile judiciary opened that branch of the state government to damaging and dangerous suspicion.

In reply, Jameson took off his hat, bowed, stepped backwards and said, 'I accept your terms. Thereupon Jameson ordered Willoughby to command the subordinate officers that the troopers should lay down their arms. The arms were then laid down. Sworn before me on the 6th March, 1896. H.J. COSTER, State-Attorney and ex-officio J.P.