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He knew, I expect, that I was not likely to run very far, and that there was no danger of his being left somewhere near Iffley to walk up by himself. I have a feeling that if I had to sit in a boat and hear the seconds counted out before the starting-gun is fired that my first stroke would be a most terrific crab.

Gilbart turned his attention upon the two big yachts and followed their movements until the starting-gun was fired; saw them haul up and plunge over the line so close together that the crews might have shaken hands; watched them as they fluttered out their spinnakers for the run to the eastern mark, for all the world like two great white moths floating side by side swiftly but with no show of hurry.

"How much thrust?" cried Tom to his machinist. "Twenty-two hundred pounds!" "Good!" The report of the starting-gun could not be heard. But the smoke of it leaped into the air. It was the signal to go. Tom's voice would not have carried five feet. He waved his hands as a signal. His helper thrust the Humming-Bird forward. Over the smooth ground it rushed. Tom looked eagerly ahead.

He pointed smiling to Trix and Roger. "Of course I can! The more the merrier!" And the lively lady stooped, laid an affectionate hand on Roger's shoulder, and said in a stage aside "Our ices are very good!" Roger hastily retreated. The starting-gun had boomed communicating the usual thrill and sudden ripple of talk through the crowded barges. "Now they're off!"

Ensconced upon the more altitudinous seat of authority he swung his lash out with a report like a starting-gun and made his way, with the necessary language, across the open and up Claxton Road. Jonas's trip to the ranch took longer than it takes to tell it. But there is not, in truth, anything about the trip itself to tell and yet there ought to be some way of describing time.