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"That fellow knows how to ride," he said. "If he keeps the 'King' like that, the race is ours." "Oh yes," agreed Vermont, smiling grimly; "he understands him, evidently. It is to be hoped he keeps him cool till the spurt comes." "Which will be after the last jump," put in Lord Standon, as he shifted his field-glasses. "Exactly," purred Jasper.

Adrien had explained the reason for his anger long ago, and Lord Standon too fully understood to continue the coldness which had nearly spoilt their life-long friendship. Happy was the bride, that bright winter morning, and Adrien, as he felt her loved arm against his side, was filled gratitude and love.

"Well, Leroy, old man," exclaimed the former cheerily, as they shook hands, "you look as fresh as if you had awoke with the dawn!" "Nothing new in that," said Lord Standon, laughing. "Nothing upsets Leroy." "Except a bad dinner," murmured Algernon Paxhorn, the fourth member of the party, who had just entered the room.

Meanwhile, interest in the new discovery spread across the Channel, and on September 15th, 1784, one Vincent Lunardi made the first balloon voyage in England, starting from the Artillery Ground at Chelsea, with a cat and dog as passengers, and landing in a field in the parish of Standon, near Ware.

"Do you know, some one told me at the Casket the other night that Leroy had made the theatre over to Ada entirely, and settled a thousand a year on her into the bargain," said Standon, leaning forward. "I daresay," Mortimer commented dryly. "He's fool enough for anything.

"Thanks, old man," he returned, rather awkwardly. "But it's a dead secret, really; I suppose Lady Constance told you?" Leroy frowned. "Yes," he said simply, "Why not?" "Oh, no reason at all," said Lord Standon, flushing like a boy; "only it's got to be kept quiet, you know my affairs are in such a beastly state." "I wonder you " commenced Leroy.

He resolutely refused to look up from his book when he heard the alternate thud and stump which announced the passage down to the harbour of his particular crony, Mark Standon, whose other leg had been buried at sea. He kept the dictionary beside him, and when the writer used a word of sonorous ring and obscure meaning he gravely looked it out. The first time that Mr.

"Ah, yes, to be sure," replied the host, who had completely forgotten the invitation. "I thought it was for to-morrow." The loud hoot of a motor outside told him that his visitors were arriving; and in another moment the door was flung open, and Mortimer Shelton, followed by Lord Standon, entered the room.

"Seven," said one, as the hour struck from the nearest church. "I thought Standon said seven." "Yes, and like a woman, meant half-past," returned the other, hiding a yawn. "Stan's too young to value his dinner properly, but Leroy ought to have been punctual. Oh, here is Stan!" as a slight, well-dressed man sprang hastily from a smart motor and came towards them.

Lady Constance looked up with a start; then, as she realised the significance of this simple statement, she smiled. She knew she could trust her uncle not to betray her woman's secret; and, though she had no scruple in using Lord Standon as a means to spur on Adrien, she would not allow the old man to be worried unnecessarily by doubts of her fidelity to his beloved son.