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Then Cranston and the other troop leaders got to working down toward the agency and, during the rests, moving close up to the corral and watching the riding-school. It was capital work, said Cranston and his contemporaries, though some jealous youngsters used to say to their cynical selves that Parson probably "put up a prayer-meeting as a stand-off."

Intelligence operations may be the most costly due to the importance of these targets to the enemy. Alternatively, the human intelligence associated with these attacks may be the most inexpensive since their national importance makes them vulnerable to knowl-edgeable dissidents. Stand-off Deep Strike is defined by distance, albeit relative distance.

'You always talk, she said, 'as if there were no one but Catherine. People generally like the other two much better. Catherine is so stand-off. 'Oh, the other two are very well, said the vicar, but in a different tone. Robert sat ruminating.

Our goal is that perhaps a Rapid Dominance force of as few as 2,000 troops could successfully defend against an enemy of 10-20,000 in an MRC and that a full corps can be deployed within 5 to 10 days. These units would arrive quickly and, as directed, begin disarming, destroying, and disabling the enemy's military wherewithal using "stand-off" capabilities.

The waving of the Hall colors, an American flag set in a border of green, came also, with an equal din from horns and wooden clappers. "Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!" So, the game went on for ten minutes, and the Pornellites had gained exactly twenty-five yards no more. "Looks like a stand-off," said several. "Say, maybe those young soldiers aren't game!"

"There's no harm in him, nor in his brother neither, though he keeps himself to himself, and is always busy with his fishing, or writing, or what not. My husband went fishing with him one day, but they didn't seem to hit it exactly. Mr Macalister is very genial-like when he's in health, and he can't do with any one who's stand-off. He always says "

He's made better than a stand-off he lost his memory, but he saved his skin. It's funny how some men can't fall: if they slip on a banana-peel somebody shoves a cushion under 'em before they 'light. I never got the best of anything. If I dropped asleep in church my wife would divorce me and I'd go to the electric chair.

It's a stand-off. The only thing is to sit in at the game together and share out. Does it go? He beamed kindly on my bewilderment during the space of time it takes to select a cigarette and light a match. Then, blowing a contented puff of smoke, he crossed his legs and leaned back. 'When I told you I was a Pinkerton's man, sonny, he said, 'I missed the cold truth by about a mile.

If there is it's a stand-off. Either way we have to wait till it gets light." "I been thinkin' we might as well move on a ways," said McHale. "Here's old Simon drops in on us. Somebody else might. I don't feel right about it. I want to git some place, like up in one o' them basins, where strangers won't be passin' by every day."

Boggs ain't eatin' a thing, leastwise nothin' but whiskey, for two days after he sees Pinon Bill do it. "'That's on the level, says this Pinon Bill ag'in. The first vestich of a gun-play I witnesses, or if any gent starts to follow me ontil I'm a mile away, I'll send this yearlin' scoutin' after Burke. An' you-alls hears me say it. "Thar it is; a squar' case of stand-off.