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That is, the onward rush was being checked, and the steers were being made to go around in a circle. Thus are stampedes, when real, gradually brought to an end. "Well, it's all over," said Mr. Norton, as he stood beside the manager. "Is that about what you wanted?" "Indeed it is. This film will sure make a hit.

For fully an hour after the return of our foreman, we lounged around the fire, during which there was a full and free discussion of stampedes. But finally, Flood, suiting the action to the word by arising, suggested that all hands hunt their blankets and turn in for the night.

The Colonel is shore listened to an' heeded at sech epocks as Wolfville sets down serious to think. "Them printers of the Colonel's stampedes themse'fs jest followin' the latter's misonderstandin' with Huggins, who conducts the Bird Cage Op'ry House, an' who as I've allers maintained, incites them mechanics, private, to rebellion, as a scheme of revenge on the Colonel.

"I didn't know there was gold on his claim, but I had what we call a hunch. I took his claim without giving value received." It was her turn now to look into the fire and think. From the letters of her father, from talks with old-timers she knew how in the stampedes every man's hand had been for himself, how keen-edged had been the passion for gold, a veritable lust that corroded the souls of men.

After the herd had passed we could only find a few scraps of poor Cal's clothing, and the horse he had been riding was reduced to the size of a jack rabbit. The buffalo went through our herd killing five head and crippling many others, and scattering them all over the plain. This was the year that the great buffalo slaughter commenced and such stampedes were common then.

Road-houses along the way provided relays of fresh horses. Freight went in by bull-team, but pack-horses and mules were still used to carry miners' provisions to the camps in the hills which lay off the main road. It was while the road was still building that an enterprising packer brought twenty-one camels on the trail. They were not a success and caused countless stampedes.

"But this yere Mexican, after he stampedes 'em, huddles what he can together as I says mebby it's a dozen an' p'ints off into the hills. "Of course it ain't no time after the sun shows the tracks when Enright, Jack Moore, an' myse'f is on the trail. Tutt an' Dan Boggs wants in on the play, but we can't spar' so many from the round-up. "It's one of the stolen ponies tips this Greaser's hand.

His manner was that of the minister who had been outraged, but who overlooked the frailties of a woman. Beyond question he seemed unutterably aloof from all knowledge of pressure being brought to bear upon her, absolutely guiltless of any connection with secret power over riders, with night journeys, with rustlers and stampedes of cattle. And that convinced her again of unjust suspicions.

The people might withdraw authority when faithless servants used it to thwart justice that was what the Vigilantes preached. It is good doctrine to-day. The Outlaw of the Mountains The Gold Stampedes of the '60's Armed Bandits of the Mountain Mining Camps.

Between patches of ragged black spruce, wide stretches of snow-covered moss, under a lowering sky, and a mob of men floundering through the drifts to find a fortune. "See how they run!" mad mice. They'd been going on stampedes all winter, and would go year in, year out, until they died. The prizes were not for such as they. As for himself ah, it was a great day for him!