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"Anyway, they ain't got nothin' t' do with braided linen ropes. G'wan," commanded Bill. "Well," resumed Buck, "one noon, in th' foothills, we come on what we was after, an' we did some stalkin' t' do it. We ketched three guys red-handed.

They've been stalkin' Tom's chickens," supplied Waffles, the champion poker player of the outfit. Tom Lee's chickens could whip anything of their kind for miles around and were reverenced accordingly. "Sho! Is that so?" Asked Frenchy with mild incredulity, such a state of affairs being deplorable.

But the two ghosts, her murdered love and her duty, stalked between 'em then, and I spozed wuz stalkin' some now. But as I said more previous, the sun will melt the snow, and no knowin' what will take place. I even fancied that the cold snow wuz a little more soft and slushy than it had been, but couldn't tell for certain. A dretful thing has happened!

But I'm here to tell you that when Alf Henley come stalkin' down, lookin' sorter indifferent, like he always does when he has a notion to trade, that crowd pulled in its horns an' waited." "The fool!" Mrs. Henley ejaculated. "Making a public exhibition of himself." "Well, I've often wondered about that very thing," Wrinkle said.

To run about poachin' on your pension! Damnable, O damnable!" said Stalky, without pity. "Good Lord!" said the Sergeant, sitting heavily upon a bed. "Where where the devil was you? I might ha' known it was a do somewhere." "Oh, you clever maniac!" Stalky resumed. "We mayn't be aware you were followin' us this afternoon, mayn't we? 'Thought you were stalkin' us, eh?

"They are always bent on stalkin' us, but they don't 'pear to know now that we're stalkin' them. Keep your eye skinned, Henry; we don't want to run into 'em afore we expect it." "I'm watching," replied Henry in the same tone, "but I don't think I'll have to watch much longer. In two or three minutes more they'll see us or we'll see them." Fifty yards more and another red flash of lightning came.

She said female vice wuz stalkin' round fearful, fallen wimmen appeared on the streets with shockin' frequency, sunthin' must be done for these lost souls or their blood would be on our dress skirts.

Tough lookin' customer; a good mate fer Jim Girty! A fine lot of border-hawks!" "Somethin' comin' off," whispered Wetzel, as Zane's low growl grew unintelligible. Jonathan felt, rather than saw, Wetzel tremble. "The missionaries are consultin'. Ah! there comes one! Which? I guess it's Edwards. By gum! who's that Injun stalkin' over from the hostile bunch. Big chief, whoever he is.

A man and a woman wuz a-standin' in the hard, dusty road. His face looked as though all the despair, and care, and perplexities of the hard times wuz depictered in it. He wuz stalkin' along as if he had forgot everything but his trouble. And I presoom that he'd had a dretful hard time on't dretful.

'Ye'd have th' wurred on th' coffin lid, says I. 'Why, says he, 'think iv me, Schmitt, Owgoost Schmitt, stalkin' forth to avinge th' woes iv th' poor, he says. 'Loodwig, th' cursed, goes by. I jumps fr'm behind a three an' society is freed fr'm th' monsther, he says. 'Think iv th' glory iv it, he says. 'Owgoost Schmitt, emancipator, he says. 'I'll prove to Mary Ann that I'm a man, he says.