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I been travelin' the desert off'n on all my life, and I never seen anything like it before. And I can tell yuh this much: I been wanting that mine too darn long to give up now. If you don't feel like stakin' me for the trip, I'll go back to Lund and have a talk with Bill. Bill's a good old scout and he'll stake me to an outfit, anyway." That was merely Casey's inborn optimism speaking.

I sat every day idly watchin' their approach, an' I hated them. I'd begun to believe in the Mormon's curse, an' to let things slide. There didn't seem to be much sense in stakin' out a new claim if I made another fortune, I felt certain that I'd surely lose it all.

"Ain't it never entered your head," Shorty said, as they stood in the snow outside the door, "that they's miles an' miles of cliffs on both sides of this fool town-site that don't belong to nobody an' that you can have for the locatin' and stakin'?" "They won't do," Smoke answered. "Why won't they?"

"Looky here, you thinkin’ of grub stakin’? I ain’t gonna—" "Suppose you had yourself a stack of cart wheels and my pockets were to let?" Drew retorted. "I think I remember me some times when we had one blanket and a hunk of hardtack between us, and there weren’t any ’yours’ or ’mine’ about it! Or don’t you think back that far?" Anse laughed.

We're gonna get rich quick, we are. What you laughin' at?" "I never laugh," denied Mr. Richie. "When yo're stakin' out claims don't forget me." "We won't," averred Mr. Dawson, solemnly. "Le's have another." They had another several others. The upshot was that when Mr. Dawson. Mr. Tunstall, of course, was still sleeping deeply and noisily. But Mr. Dawson had long since lost interest in Mr.

"Hope to never cock another gun, Bill Ball, ef she ain't thar ag'in!" "She shore is, Lee," answered Bill; "provin' we-all mislaid no bets reconsiderin', an' stakin' Sorrel-top to a little ranch and brand." Thus, happily, does time sweeten the bitterest memories.

"If somebody ain't disregarded our notice," Bill objected, though he was plainly pleased at the prospect of exchanging the claim for a sack of flour. "She ain't jumped," Kink assured him. "It's No. 24, and it stands. The chechaquos took it serious, and they begun stakin' where you left off. Staked clean over the divide, too.

"You wanted to know yesterday when I staked that claim for the woman, who and where she is, also my reasons for stakin' it; and I promised to tell you when I got the chance. One or two of you grumbled considerable at my stakin' for a person away in the States, and maybe when I have finished my story you won't feel any different; but I can't help it, and it is none of your business.

"Next time a woman like that one tells me to do any recordin' of claims I'll do it, you bet; for somehow, I can't explain it, but there are others besides Eugene Field's kids who are good at 'seein' things at night, and a woman can sometimes feel things that we fellows can't see in broad daylight. "Now you have my reasons for stakin' for her yesterday.

In a camp like this here one, whar society's first-class no greasers nur pigtails nur loafers it ain't the thing to hev anybody around that looks like a corkscrew that's been fed on green apples and watered with vinegar it's discouragin' to gentlemen that might hev a notion of stakin' a claim, fur the sake uv enjoyin' our social advantages."