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I never did like him, and now if he's comin' around here makin' her cry." "Eh? Making her cry?" "Sshh! She'll hear you. Makin' Miss Martha cry. She's up in her room cryin' now, I'll bet you on it. And he's responsible.... Yes'm, I'm comin'. Don't say nothin' to her that I told you, will you, Mr. Bangs?" She hurried away in response to her mistress' hail.

"I HAD to deliver it, Grandfather," he said hotly. "He had all but called me a liar and and by George, I wasn't going to " His grandfather held up a warning hand. "Sshh! Ssh!" he said. "Go on with your yarn, boy." Albert told of the lame horse, of his effort to hire another team, and finally how in desperation he had engaged Ves Young as a last resort.

It was midnight when the squaw turned the canoe toward shore. It proved to be the mouth of a small inlet up which they went for some distance, Amos keeping close behind. "Look, Anne!" he exclaimed as the Indians stopped paddling. "There is a camp-fire. I do believe it's the Mashpee village." "Sshh," warned the squaw in a sharp voice.

Serena did not answer. When they reached the hotel she left her husband to settle with the driver and took the elevator to their room. A few minutes later the captain joined her. He looked as if suffering from shock. "My heavens and earth, Serena!" he exclaimed, "what do you suppose that tax hack feller had the cheek to " "Sshh! shh!" interrupted the lady, who was reclining upon the couch.

And 'TIS most eight. By time, Hannah, you do pick on me " A vigorous "Sshh!" interrupted him. The door between the sitting-room and dining-room closed with a slam. Mrs. Barnes and Emily dressed hurriedly. They gathered about the breakfast table, the Parkers, Captain Obed and the guests.

Hallett, afraid of the Baxters and all the staring crowd; but she was more afraid of what was going to happen. She tugged at the housekeeper's sleeve. "Mrs. Hobbs!" she whispered, quiveringly. "Oh, Mrs. Hobbs!" Mrs. Hobbs shook off the clutch at her sleeve. "Sshh!" she whispered. "Sshh!" "But but please, Mrs. Hobbs " "Sshh! You mustn't talk. Be still. Be still, I tell you."

We went to see him, didn't we; and WE had a store and a business to leave. He ain't had any business since he give up goin' to sea. He " "Sshh! Shh!" interrupted Mr. Hamilton, mildly, "don't talk that way, Shadrach. Don't find fault with the dead." "Find fault! I ain't findin' fault. I thought as much of Marcellus Hall as any man on earth, and nobody feels worse about his bein' took than I do.

Now we mustn't let Uncle Shad or Uncle Zoeth know that I have heard about their trouble. We must let them think I am at home for an extra holiday. Then I shall be able to look things over and perhaps plan a little. When I am ready to tell what I mean to do I can tell the rest. . . . Sshh! Here comes one of them now. It's Uncle Zoeth. Look happy, Isaiah! HAPPY not as if you were choking to death!

Don't you see you're frightenin' Lulie half out of her wits? There's nothin' for you to look so savage about. Come over and sit down and rest. You're tired." "No, I ain't tired, either. Be quiet, woman. By the Lord, if he's in this house I'll find him. And WHEN I find him " "Sshh, sshh! What in the world are you talkin' about? Marietta didn't say "

"I I thought you wasn't goin' to be cross with me. I'm awfully sorry I stayed up to watch for you. I won't ever do it again. PLEASE don't go away and not leave me any presents. Please, Mr. Santa Claus!" Santa started. "Sshh!" he commanded in an agonized whisper. "Hush up! Somebody'll hear. . . . Eh? What's that?" The front stairs creaked ominously.