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At the end of the second story, the room was really orderly to the superficial view, but where I stood I could see the small boy who deliberately made a hideous face at me each time my eyes met his, the two girls who talked with their backs turned, the squirms of a figure here and there.

Wherefore he blinks, winks, weeps, twitches, condenses his countenance, and squirms; and perchance the barber's scissors clip more than intended belike an outlying flange of ear. "Um muh OW!" said Penrod, this thing having happened. "D' I touch y' up a little?" inquired the barber, smiling falsely. "Ooh UH!" The boy in the chair offered inarticulate protest, as the wound was rubbed with alum.

It is evident he wishes to convey the idea that he has been out all night on work connected with the Vigilance Association, and is now returning home sick at heart because of the sights that he has seen. "He squirms in, unnoticed, through a window, and has just time to give himself a hurried lick down before he hears the cook's step on the stairs.

Though doubtful in appearance, more in consonance with the creepy imagery of a nightmare than a reality of the better day, these are merely the shy and innocent brittle stars. They are endowed with such exquisitive sensitiveness that to evade capture they sacrifice, apparently without a pang, their wriggling legs piece by piece, and each piece, large or small, squirms and wriggles.

He longed so for "squirms" that Tony got a wooden box and made little divisions and brings him in a lot of new ones almost every day. They fill Roxanne's days and nights with terror.

"Only for the silver trimmings, you looked like a band of warlike Injuns coming down on us with the sun at your back," laughed Dade, as José swung down near him. "They're riders the Indians back there on the plains; and when they pop over a ridge and come down on you like a tidal wave, your backbone squirms a little in spite of you.

When things was settled, all quick that way, Hart's nephew took to squirming he seeing, drunk as he was, he'd bit off a blame sight more'n he cared to chew. But with the Hen right after him and Hill and all the rest of the boys backing her, they being sure she'd dandy cards up her sleeve for the queer game she was playing he couldn't make nothing by all his squirms.