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Helen Grayson hardly knew why she did so, but she rose and followed the squirrel, to find that she was not alone, for Peter the groom was in the yard going on tiptoe toward the open door of the old range of buildings. He touched his cap on seeing her. "Squir'l, Miss," he said. "Just run in here." "I saw it just now," said Helen. "Don't kill the poor thing."

Buzzard gwine ter git 'im? sez de Buzzard, sezee. "'Well, dar's a little hole roun' on de udder side er de tree, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en ef Brer Tukkey Buzzard wuz here so he could take up his stan' dar, sezee, 'I'd drive dat squir'l out, sezee. "'Drive 'im out, den, sez Mr. Buzzard, sezee, 'en I'll see dat Brer Tukkey Buzzard gits 'im, sezee.

"I didn't say it were a ghost, sir, I only said as I see something horrid up at end of the old loft when I went up there just now after a squir'l." "Squirrel!" said the doctor angrily. "What are you talking about, man? Squirrels live in trees, not in old lofts. You mean a rat." "I know a squir'l when I see one, sir," said Peter; "and I see one go 'crost the yard and into that old stable."

"Whyn't ye eat some o' the squir'l, Birt?" his mother asked at the supper table. "Pears-like ter me ez it air cooked toler'ble tasty." Birt could not eat. He soon rose from the table and resumed his chair by the window, and for half an hour no word passed between them. The thunder seemed to roll on the very roof of the cabin, and it trembled beneath the heavy fall of the rain.

An' besides, sence his pet squir'l has done chawed the plush clean off one corner of it, he says he wouldn't part with it for nothin'. Of co'se a beast couldn't be expected to reelize the importance o' plush. An' that's what seems to tickle Sonny so.

You remember that beautiful nature-poem: "'The sea-gull And the eagul And the dipper-dapper-duck And the Jew-fish And the blue-fish And the turtle in the muck; And the squir'l And the girl And the flippy floppy bat Are differ-ent As gent from gent. So let it go at that!" "What hideous nonsense," she laughed, in open encouragement; but he could recall nothing more or pretended he couldn't.

I'd take my kitty out of the carriage, and put in this brother, and give him all my sugar things." "Well," said Dr. Gray, with a flicker of fun in his eyes, "the baby is not of the least use to me, and if you like him, my dear " Dotty danced about the cradle. "He's nicer than a squir'l catched in a cage. O, he is!" "That's just as people may fancy," said Dr. Gray.

"Den Brer Rabbit kick up a racket, like he wer' drivin' sumpin' out, en Mr. Buzzard he rush 'roun' fer ter ketch de squir'l, en Brer Rabbit, he dash out, he did, en he des fly fer home."

"I can't shoot wo'th a cent," he whined, as they took their places in the cranky pirogue; "but I might jes' happen to kill a squir'l or a elephant or somepin 'nother." "Very well," shouted Clark in a loud, cheerful voice, when they had paddled away to a considerable distance, "bring the meat to the woods on the hill yonder," pointing to a distant island-like ridge far beyond the creeping flood.

To see Sonny politely take her cup o' tea an' po' it out in her saucer to cool for her so nice, why, it takes all the dignity we can put on to cover our amusement over it. You see, they've only lately teethed together, them child'en. I reckon the thing sort o' got started last summer. I know he give her a flyin' squir'l, an' she embroidered him a hat-band.