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I reelize that no cook likes to have a fellow standin' on his head in a big pan uh bread-sponge, on general principles if not on account uh the bread. Uh course, we've all knowed old Patsy to take just about as great liberties himself with his sponge but we've got to recollect that it was his dough, by cripes, and that pipe ashes ain't the same as a fellow takin' a shampoo in the pan.

He picked out that red plush hisself. He's got mighty fine taste for a country-raised child, Sonny has. Seem like the oftener I come here an' stan' before it, the prouder I feel, an' the mo' I can't reelize thet he done it.

But I tell you, when ye're old's I am, 'n' look back on 't, ye'll be s'prised ter see how short 'tis, an' ye'll reelize more what a fool a man is, or a woman too, an' I do s'pose they're the foolishest o' ther two, ter waste a minnit out on 't on querrils, or any other kind o' foolin'." The Prince's Little Sweetheart. She was very young. No man had ever made love to her before.

Sometimes, the way I act, I seem like ez ef I forgit you're all I've got on earth." "Of co'se I reelize that, Enoch," she replies. "We're each one all the other's got an' that's why I don't spare no pains to keep you in health." One could see at a glance that they were gentlemen as they strolled leisurely along, side by side, through Madison Square, on Christmas morning.

Benedict has got so much that he has left comfort behind," says Mr. Balfour with a laugh. "I should be afeard he had, if he could reelize it was all his'n, but he can't. He hain't got no more comfort here, no way, nor he used to have in the woods." Then Jim leans over to Mr. Balfour's ear, and says: "It's the woman as does it. It's purty to look at, but it's too pertickler for comfort." Mr.

It was turrible cruel, but she didn't reelize. I reckon, ef the truth was known, most of us nine has seen them side curls in our sleep.

"All right. We knows thet ye come hyar from somewhars else an' we don't know whar from. Because ye're old Caleb's heir, what ye does an' what ye says gets ter be mighty pithy an' pertinent ter us." "I've done come ter kinderly reelize that, myself, hyar of late." "Ye comes from Virginny, folks says; air thet true?" "Thet's true."

I can't fight the trusts any longer without some backin'. I've got to have somebody take holt of me and get what's in me out. I reelize it now. It's in me. Once out it will make me and all them round me rich like a a " When Mr. Bodge halted for a simile Hiram grunted under his breath: "Like a compost heap." "I was born the way I am with something about me that the common run of men don't have.

You have only to look at a woman's housekeepin' to reelize the restfulness she finds in keepin' things disturbed all the time. I have looked upon the housekeepin' of enough Mrs. Scraggses to be able to speak with the v'ice of experience, if not the v'ice of wisdom. "So Mrs.

But likely he won't have the courage. Yas; take it all together, I'm glad them two child'en has took the notion. It'll be a good thing for him whilst he's throwed in with all sorts o' travelin' folks goin' an' comin' to reelize thet he's got a little sweetheart at home, an' thet she's bein' loved an' cherished by his father an' mother du'in' his absence.