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It's hell to peach on your own, but it's worse to hear that iron door clank behind you, and to know it's for the last time! After all, there ain't nothin' in what we can tell about Charley that a lot of other people wouldn't spill, an' nothin' that could land him behind the bars. I ain't the man I was, or I'd take my medicine without squealin', but I can't face it again, Mame, I can't!

He said they'd got to stop makin' that noise and I said I'd oil 'em every day. And and I forgot it." "Yes well, I ain't surprised to death, exactly. What then?" "Well well, you see, they were squealin' worse than usual one mornin' and Colonel Davidson he came in here and and I remembered I hadn't oiled 'em for three days.

We continued our search for some time, when Jerry's acute ear detected a sound in the distance which he declared was made by the "squealin' critters;" and we hastened in the direction of the noise, which each moment grew more distinct. At length we came in sight of a large drove of the animals, gathered beneath the branches of a small, scraggy oak.

I suppose that is the 'invincible morgue Britannic in the presence of brutally provoked mutiny," I muttered, as I turned over the pages of M. de C. "So, Glass, 'e was led off kickin' an' squealin', an' hove down the ladder into 'is Sergeant's volupshus arms. 'E run Glass forward, an' was all for puttin' 'im in irons as a maniac.

Ef you had eber so many chickens to feed, an' pigs squealin' fer somethin' ter eat, an' yore ducks an' geese squakin' 'roun' yer, yer wouldn't hab time ter git lonesome." "But, Aunt Linda, you might be sick for months, and think what a comfort it would be if you could read your Bible." "Oh, I could hab prayin' and singin'. Dese people is mighty good 'bout prayin' by de sick.

Leason, "probably attending to her digestion as I was to mine, and she left her offspring to fight it out among themselves for the possession of her teats. There was a lively scrap, a lot of hollerin' and squealin' from that bunch of porkers, grunts from the ins and yaps from the outs, you know.

You step aside an' let justice " "If those that holler for justice loudest had it done to them there would be a lot of squealin' outside of hogpens." "You won't take that offer, then?" "Not this year of our Lord, thank you." "You've had your chance. If you turn it down you're liable to go out of here feet first." Not a muscle twitched in the lean, brown face of the young cowpuncher.

Say, you can't hold up a gang of ten an' more toughs with a single gun in the dead, o' night, 'specially with a hole in your guts same as young Syme's had bored into his. I ain't ast once, nor twice, to hev them beasties run into the corrals o' nights, and fed hay, same as in winter. I've ast it fifty times. It's bin up to you, boss. So I say it's no use in squealin'."

But it is Thanksgivin' mornin', an' we're goin' skatin' down on the pond. The squealin' o' the pigs has told us it is five o'clock, and we must hurry; we're goin' to call by for the Dickerson boys an' Hiram Peabody, an' we've got to hyper!

"Well well, 'twas 'twas " desperately, "'twas the squeakin' and and squealin'." "Squeakin' and squealin'? Gracious king! What are you talkin' about?" "Why the the mills, you know. The mills and vanes outside on on the posts and the fence. They squeaked and and sometimes they squealed awful. And he didn't like it." "Who didn't?" "Colonel Davidson.