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"The Deferred Shares are not to get a cent of dividend until a fifteen per cent. dividend is paid on the Ordinary Shares. That's the squarest deal for the public that ever was," retorted Larssen. "But you hold control." Both men knew the tremendous import of that word. The fortunes of the world's financial giants have all been built up on "control."

The very thing that won you your Croix de Guerre?" "Why, yes, in a way. I didn't save Mike, poor fellow " "Mike! Was his name Mike?" "Yes; Michael Francis Xavier Kelly. A South Boston Mick he was, and one of the finest, squarest boys that ever drew breath.

She is the squarest, the truest, just as she is the most beautiful, girl in the world." "No," Mr. Randolph spoke quite slowly, for him "Nina is not beautiful sweet, and unspoiled, and lovable, yes; but she is not a beauty."

But please, I don't think we'd better talk about it only just for you to say that you forgive me. I had to tell you for that, you see." Then the once carefully proper Willard Holmes did a thing that would have astonished his most intimate eastern friends beyond expression. Reining his horse close to El Capitan he held out his hand to Barbara. "Shake, pard! You're the squarest girl I ever knew."

The gawky was much pleased at Simon's kind attention, and remarking that "he reckoned he was the squarest man he had met," he turned over his money some four hundred dollars to Simon, and they started off together to get it changed.

Hadn't they cut and beaten a trail to Placerville, so that miners could take a run to that city when the Flat became too quiet? Hadn't they framed the squarest betting code in the whole diggings?

Come, old chap, do the square thing the squarest thing you can do now."

Your wages are the highest in the city, five per cent. above the union scale; your hours are the shortest; there is no Sunday-night shift; you have at your pleasure a gymnasium and a swimming-pool; you are each of you given a week's vacation in the summer on full pay, a thing no other concern of the kind in the state does; all the machinery is flawless, minimizing your chances of danger; in fact, you draw pay fifty-two weeks in the year in the squarest shop in the world.

Although he collected his own rents, would never give more than three-year leases, and could not be persuaded to part with a foot of his land holdings, he was characterized as "one of the squarest landlords in the city." In the old-fashioned brick and brown-stone house he lived in extreme simplicity. From the top of a passing bus may be seen the garden beyond the high board fence.

"So do I," I agreed heartily. "He's a splendid fellow one of the nicest, squarest men I ever met and a friend worth having." "He's all of that, sir," she agreed, and stood for a moment, clasping and unclasping her hands nervously, as though there was something else she wished to say. But she evidently thought better of it. "There's the bell, sir," she added.