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"Ay, lass! but gien ye hed this ashmy, makin' a' yer breist as gien 'twar lined wi' the san' paper 'at they hed been lichtin' a thoosan' or twa lucifer spunks upo' ye micht be driven to forget 'at the Lord was yer life for I can tell ye it's no like haein his breith i' yer nostrils." "Eh, my bonny laad!" returned Janet with infinite tenderness, "I micht weel forget it!

We thought we'd carry up their supper to 'em "'Supper, says Timothy, 'in the house o' the Lord? "Then Mis' Toplady spunks up some. "'Why, yes, she says; 'I'm goin' to milk the Jersey an' take up the two pails. "Timothy waves his barked arm in the air. "'Never! s'e. 'Never. We elders'll never consent to that, not in this world! "At that we all stood around sort o' pinned to the air.

He was a wizened, shivering old man, often barefooted, wearing at the best a thin, ragged coat that had been black but was green-brown with age, and he made his spunks as well as sold them. He brought Bacon and Adam Smith into Thrums, and he loved to recite long screeds from Spenser, with a running commentary on the versification and the luxuriance of the diction.

The Advocate, who is not without some spunks of a remainder decency, has wrung your life-safe out of Symon and the Duke. He has refused to put you on your trial, and refused to have you killed; and there is the clue to their ill words together, for Symon and the Duke can keep faith with neither friend nor enemy.

'Broken, answered the dame, 'all broken to pieces; fit for naught but to be made spunks of the best blood that was in Scotland. 'Broken? blood? is your husband wounded; has there been bloodshed broken limbs?

Well, it was him that took up the clubs for me, asked the men if they werena feared of a judgment, and, says he, 'Dod, I'll put my back to the Hielandman's mysel'. That's none such an entirely bad little man, yon little man with the red head," said Alan. "He has some spunks of decency." "Well," said I, "he was kind to me in his way."

He was a wizened, shivering old man, often bare-footed, wearing at the best a thin ragged coat that had been black but was green-brown with age, and he made his spunks as well as sold them. He brought Bacon and Adam Smith into Thrums, and he loved to recite long screeds from Spenser, with a running commentary on the versification and the luxuriance of the diction.

He looked hard at me wi' a pair o' een that glowed like twa spunks, and then he says, says he: "You've been born in these pairts, I understan'?" "Aye," says I, "and never left them neither." "Never been oot o' Scotland?" he speers.

Well, it was him that took up the clubs for me, asked the men if they werenae feared of a judgment, and, says he 'Dod, I'll put my back to the Hielandman's mysel'. That's none such an entirely bad little man, yon little man with the red head," said Alan. "He has some spunks of decency." "Well," said I, "he was kind to me in his way."

"But I ain't got to the wonders none as yet, reemonstrates the Colonel, who spunks up a bit peevish for him. 'An' from the frequent way wherein I'm interrupted, it don't look much like I will. Goin' sailin' away into darklin' space with that ball of enchanted kyarpet-rags, that ain't the sooper-nacheral part at all!