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"But," said my grandfather, "no to speak wi' disrespeck of things considered wi' reverence, it does na seem to me that there is ony cause to think the Reformers hae yet rebelled." "I am sure," replied the smith, "if they hae na they ought, or the de'il a spunk's amang them.

'But his spunk's soon out of him, I think, continued the stranger, 'and that is like mony a man's courage, that thinks he wad do great things till he come to the proof. My gudesire scarce listened to this, but spurred his horse, with 'Gude e'en to you, freend.

Billy said she was training him; that it was wonderful what training would do, and, of course, Spunk WAS little, now. Dinner was half over when there was a slight diversion created by Spunk's conclusion to get acquainted with the silent man at his left. Cyril, however, did not respond to Spunk's advances. So very evident, indeed, was the man's aversion that Billy turned in amazement. "Why, Mr.

Spunk's name changed?" demanded Billy, in a horrified voice. "Why, Aunt Hannah, it can't be changed; it's HIS, you know." Then she laughed merrily. "'Thomas, indeed! Why, you old dear! just suppose I should ask YOU to change your name!

She took advantage of that; as soon as he was within reach, she bit him. He swore, backhanding her, then signaled the two holding her to let go. "Spunk's one thing, lady, but you've just bought yourself more hurt than you've ever had. Fight if you want to; that'll just make it more fun." Dana moved back, licking blood from a split lip as she dropped into an awkward protective crouch.

Upon the whilk, a horseman, suddenly riding up beside him, said, "That's a mettle beast of yours, freend; will you sell him?" So saying, he touched the horse's neck with his riding-wand, and it fell into its auld heigh-ho of a stumbling trot. "But his spunk's soon out of him, I think," continued the stranger, "and that is like mony a man's courage, that thinks he wad do great things."

As to Spunk's name it was not Mrs. Stetson's fault that even that was left undisturbed. Mrs. Stetson early became acquainted with Spunk.

My friend offered to bet $500, when old Jack said: "Boys, I'm drinking, and I don't care, fur my spunk's up, and I'd just's soon bet her all the first bet; them tarnal fellers guzzled me out of $1,000 in Cincinnater, and I wants ter get even." So saying he pulled out his big roll, slammed it down on the table, and said: "Thar's my pile, and you fellars darn't cover her."

Mighty formidable combination, ejaculated the Britisher, lookin' his eyes almost out, and runnin' the forefinger of his right hand over the Spunk's Certificate. Then turning to Pluck, a sort of half-way grin of good nature on his countenance, he continued: 'You Yankees are curious specimens, after all. Pretty generous, good-natured when it's profitable, hard to understand, and as cute as