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Seeing the amused interest of his guests, the Marchesino encouraged the Padrone to talk, called for his most noted wines, and demanded at dessert a jug of Asti Spumante, with snow in it, and strawberries floating on the top. "You approve of Frisio's, Signorina?" he said, bending towards Vere. "You do not find your evening dull?" The girl shook her head.

"Stop your devil's ferment, Malabocca!" he thundered at the shepherd; "stop it, or I'll split your crown." "Bacco trionfante, Amante e spumante, Evviva l'ubbriacchezza!" roared Malabocca, screwing up his eye. Stefano brought down a mug full of wine upon his pate, which gave him a red baptism. "Mum, you blockhead, mum!" said his host "There is a stir outside the door I tell you!"

"Oh, he was a charming poet, born in Asti in the middle of the eighteenth century," said Maida. "I've read a lot about him, at at home. He had one of the prettiest love stories in history. It is like an Anthony Hope romance. I thought, perhaps, Sir Ralph wanted us to see the house where he lived." "I'm ashamed to say it was the Asti Spumante I was thinking of," confessed Sir Ralph.

I'm just an uncivilized man from the bush overwhelmed by a new sensation. I'm your debtor, General, to all eternity. And your genius in recommending this wine" he filled Andrew's glass with Cinzano's Asti Spumante "is worthy of the man who saw us out at Bourdon Wood. By the way," he added, after a pause, "what really happened afterwards? I knew you got through.

Mariani's is a quiet restaurant, famous for its lachryma christi spumante, and situated in the network of sombre streets between Drury Lane and Covent Garden. The fact of its being in a by-street was not unfavourable to its particular class of business. Its customers were very free from the modern vice of self-advertisement, and would even take some trouble to avoid publicity.

"Let me present this to you, Miss Vantweekle," he pronounced, solemnly, "as an engagement token. I, I exchanged my picture for them this morning." "Some Asti Spumante, Ricci." "To the rejected Titian " I suggested for the first toast. VENICE, May, 1896. The two black horses attached to the light buggy were chafing in the crisp October air.

"Perhaps the Countess would absolve you from your vow of temperance, Terry, that you may have the exquisite delight of quaffing a little Asti Spumante," said Sir Ralph to Mr. Barrymore, when we were at a table in a large, cool dining-room. "Why, of course," replied Mamma, and then opened her eyes wide when both men laughed, and Mr.

Fit sonitus spumante salo, jamque arva tenebant, Ardentes oculos suffecti sanguine et igni, Sibila lambebant linguis vibrantibus ora! Aeneid, ii. 203-211. We find here realized the first of the three conditions of the sublime that have been mentioned further back, a very powerful natural force, armed for destruction, and ridiculing all resistance.

But when Sir Ralph hurried to tell her that it was cheap, she vacillated, worrying lest it shouldn't be worthy to go with her crowns. I don't know whether it was the Spumante, or the sunshine, as golden as the wine, but I felt quite happy again when we drove out of Asti. I didn't care at all that I wasn't sitting beside Mr. Barrymore, though I thought that I probably should care again by and by.

And so, by force of circumstance, it came about that Cimarosa, Paesiello, and Rossini fed the mystic, melancholy little boy, who was more than a little intoxicated by his draughts of the Asti spumante poured out for him, instead of milk, by these bacchanalian Satyrs, and the two lively, ingenuously, lasciviously smiling Bacchante of Naples and Catania Pergolesi and Bellini.