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The wagons were drawn up so as to form a square, inside of which were tied the horses; the sheep were driven underneath, and the oxen were tied up outside. They feasted well themselves upon the delicate meat of the springboks, but the poor animals had neither food nor water after their hard day's journey.

The chase led through a large herd of blue wildebeests, zebras, and springboks, which gazed at us in utter amazement. At length I fired my second barrel, but my horse was fidgety, and I missed.

"I loaded again, and stood right up on my feet. "Now for the first time it occurred to me to reflect on the strange conduct of the springboks; for, instead of making off at my appearance, they only bounded a little to one side, and then kept on their course. They seemed possessed by a species of infatuation.

That evening, according to their leader's prophecy, water was reached. It was a thick muddy pool, but it sufficed to relieve them all, and a night of comparative comfort followed a day of suffering. Next morning, just after breakfast, a herd of springboks was observed, and several of the more eager of the party dashed off in pursuit.

"Look at the beautiful dying eye of that noble beast. Is it not speaking?" "Yes, imploring for mercy, as it were, poor creature." "Well, these three beasts, that they say are such good eating, weigh more than fifty antelopes." "More than fifty springboks, I grant. Well, what shall we do now?" "Let our horses get their wind again, and then we will see if we can fall in with some new game."

Fortunately Hans had not neglected to secure a brace of the springboks; and their fat venison now came into general use. A roast of that, and a drink of cool water from the spring, soon refreshed the three wearied travellers.

The others stretched their limbs on the Karroo, and in ten minutes every man was in the land of nod. Next day we mounted at daybreak and renewed the hunt, but I will say no more about it than that we bagged twenty-six springboks amongst us, and that Six-foot Johnny, having killed the greatest number of animals, returned home "King of the hunt," with a scrap of ostrich feather in his cap.

The object of this migration is not known, only that it appears to be the result of some impulse such as excites to a similar movement the springboks of South Africa, the buffaloes of North America, and the passenger pigeons. In Europe the squirrel is represented by the Common Squirrel of our own woods, and which is found throughout the whole of Northern Europe and Asia, wherever there are trees.

Twice Donald fired, and each time brought down an animal. I also killed one; but could with difficulty rein in my horse while I reloaded my rifle. Away the springboks went, leaping over the rocks with wonderful agility.

"I loaded again, and stood right up on my feet. "Now for the first time it occurred to me to reflect on the strange conduct of the springboks; for, instead of making off at my appearance, they only bounded a little to one side, and then kept on their course. They seemed possessed by some species of infatuation.