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See Breasted, Zeitschrift fur Aegyptische Sprache, XXXIX, pp. 39 ff., and History of Egypt, pp. 356 ff. This series of sculptures shared the deliberate mutilation that all her records suffered at the hands of Thothmes III after her death, but enough of the scenes and their accompanying text has survived to render the detailed interpretation of the myth quite certain.

For various views regarding the name and character of this dynasty see Winckler, Geschichte, pp. 67, 68, 328; Hilprecht, Assyriaca, pp. 25-28, 102, 103; Winckler, Altorientalische Forschungen, I. 275-277, and Rogers, Outlines, 32, note. See Delitzsch, Die Sprache der Kossaer. The Babylonian religion in the oldest form known to us may best be described as a mixture of local and nature cults.

You have taste, and an understanding of things! ... Besides that, you will always be able to entertain, and to stir up the most exacting, the most unyielding guests. In English, a "toff"; in American, a "swell." trans. "Die Deutsche Sprache beherrsche ich in geringerem Grade als die franzosische; indes kann ich stets in einer Salon-Plauderei mitmachen."

Again, if this is ever done and English ever has a grammar that is to it what Latin grammar is to that language, it will only be when the psychology of speech represented, e.g., in Wundt's Psychologie der Sprache, which is now compiling and organizing the best elements from all grammars, is complete.

The essays on The Study of Latin, on Men of Learning, and on Some Forms of Literature, are taken chiefly from the four sections Ueber Gelehrsamkeit und Gelehrte, Ueber Sprache und Worte, Ueber Lesen und Bücher: Anhang, and Zur Metaphysik des Schönen. The essay on Thinking for Oneself is a rendering of certain remarks under the heading Selbstdenken.

The German Sprache shall the Britisch Folk's Sprache be and every Englisch Man who German not sprech kann shall with a by-Proclamation-to-be-declared-Strafe gestrafed be. Everyone shall German Soldiers salute. If any one misses this to do shall the Soldier the Right have him through the body with a sword to run. Only German Cigars and Tabak shall gesmokt be.

For the change of dialect in elegy, &c., see Thumb, Handbuch d. gr. Dialekte, pp. 327-30, 368 ff., and the literature there cited. Fick and Hoffmann overstated the change, but Hoffmann's new statement in Die griechische Sprache, 1911, sections on Die Elegie, seems just. The question of Tyrtaeus is complicated by other problems. The inference was pointed out to me by Miss Harrison.

Richard Liebich, in his book, Die Zigeuner in ihrem Wesen und in ihrer Sprache, tells his readers that the only indication of a belief in a future state which he ever detected in an old Gipsy woman, was that she once dreamed she was in heaven. It appeared to her as a large garden, full of fine fat hedgehogs.

I conceive, therefore, that the natural classification of languages is also the natural classification of mankind. With language, moreover, all the higher manifestations of man's vital activity are closely interwoven, so that these receive due recognition in and by that of speech." Ueber die Bedeutung der Sprache für die Naturgeschichte des Menschen, pp. 16-18.

Handlungkeit, Author von Bücher. Ich habe das Deutche sprache gelernt und bin ein glücklicher Kind, you bet. With warmest regards & kindness remembrances from all our party to you & your wife and daughter. Yrs sincerely, S. L. Clemens Am much obliged for the letter it was from friend whom I have been trying to ferret out.