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Gobert is delightful personally. His quick wit and sense of humour always please the tennis public. His courteous manner and genial sportsmanship make him universally popular. His stroke equipment is unsurpassed in the tennis world. I unqualifiedly state that I consider him the most perfect tennis player, as regards strokes and footwork, in the world to-day; but he is, not the greatest player.

But one can always play fair." "Yes; I know your creed of sportsmanship. There are worse religions." "Do you think I played fair with you, Ban? After that night on the river?" He was mute. "Do you know why I didn't kiss you good-bye in the station? Not really kiss you, I mean, as I did on the island?" "No." "Because, if I had, I should never have had the strength to go away."

Roosevelt's accession to the Presidential chair has been a great thing for good sportsmanship in this country. Measures pertaining to game and forest protection, and matters of sport generally, always have had, and always will have, his cordial approval and co-operation.

Winkle's sham sportsmanship was to get him into embarrassments. In fact, the first appearance in Seymour's plate the scene with the cabman shows him as quite a different Pickwick; with a sour, cantankerous face; not in "tights," but in a great coat; he is scarcely recognisable. Seymour was then determined to show him after his own ideal.

It was all she could do to keep from clutching her hair with both bands to protect it from the suddenly hostile world. Yet she did neither. Even the thought of her mother was no deterrent now. This was the test supreme of her sportsmanship; her right to walk unchallenged in the starry heaven of popular girls.

Kent reappeared at the door. "Mr. Blair," he said, "please don't think me lacking in sportsmanship. I was young once myself. I just wanted to say that I think you all staged it remarkably well. Give Mr. Carter my compliments on that telegram from the Bishop." "Good heavens!" exclaimed Blair, as Mr. Kent vanished behind the curtains. "I forgot. Those fellows are still down in the cellar."

If that were so I could be on your side, and and with true sportsmanship, wish you well. Besides that, I might be able to tell you things. You see, I learn many things in the village that others do not hear." Fyles was studying the woman's face closely as she spoke. And something he beheld there robbed his defeat of a good deal of its sting.

Throughout the first winter after the war the whole South was on the verge of starvation. Here undoubtedly was a difficult situation one calling for the highest quality of statesmanship, and of sportsmanship on the part of the vanquished.

There was a great increase in the interest taken in the use of light tackle. We owe the latter stride toward conservation and sportsmanship to Mr. James Jump, and to Lone Angler, and to President Coxe of the Tuna Club. I had not been entirely in sympathy with their feats of taking Marlin swordfish and tuna on light tackle.

The more profound the admiration, the greater is the proportion of wonder in the feeling. We find it difficult to admire where the competitive feeling is strongly aroused, though there are some who can do so. It is the essence of good sportsmanship, the ideal aimed at, to admire the rival for his good qualities, though sticking fast to one's confidence in oneself.