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Throughout November he allowed his horses to remain at the Moonbeam, being somewhat in doubt whether or no he would return to that fascinating hostelrie. He received one or two most respectful letters from Mr. Horsball, in which glowing accounts were given of the sport of the season, and the health of his horses, and offers made of most disinterested services.

If we had remained for a week at the foot of the Gunner's Coin we could have obtained supplies of all kinds from Doolana, and we should have enjoyed excellent sport through the whole country. Our total bag was now wretchedly small, considering the quantity of ground that we had passed over. We had killed nine elephants and two deer.

Still, I will do my best. Sucatash will back us up when we jump the claim." "Jump the claim? What is that?" He explained briefly the etiquette of this form of sport. "But," objected Solange, "this man will resist, most certainly. That would mean violence." A faint smile curled the man's mouth under the mustache. "I am supposed to be a violent man," he reminded her.

The object of the novel is to lull the bourgeoisie to sleep in its golden dreams. Be faithful to your wife, pray with her over the prayer-book, save money, love sport, and all is well with you in this world and the next.

Not till we came to fly-fishing were we really entered at the sport, and this initiation took place, as it chanced, beside the very stream where I was first shown a trout. It is a charming piece of water, amber-coloured and clear, flowing from the Morvern hills under the limes of an ancient avenue trees that have long survived the house to which, of old, the road must have led.

He begged her to be composed, for the animal was now dead, and its suffering over; and her feelings should never be lascerated again in this manner, as they would pursue their sport somewhere else, at a greater distance from her abode.

Satiated with the sport, and not caring to waste our ammunition, we did not heed them farther. In order to give Lanty due time for the duties of the cuisine, we halted a little earlier than usual. Our day's march had been a short one, but the excitement and sport of the pigeon-hunt repaid us for the loss of time.

That was a dream of Sergeant Fones; but you see he believes it true. It is good sport, eh? Will you not take what is it? a silent partner? Yes; a silent partner, Old Aleck. Pretty Pierre has spare time, a little, to make money for his friends and for himself, eh?" When did not Pierre have time to spare? He was a gambler.

Yes, says he, looking at the clock, 'he's been there these ten minutes. "But seeing my poor wife's distracted histarricle state, this good-naterd man says, 'I think, my dear, there's a way to ease your mind. We'll know in five minutes how he is. "'Sir, says she, 'don't make sport of me. "'No, my dear, we'll TELEGRAPH him.

Years ago I have joined in this sport, and, thank Heaven, there is no knightly exercise which does not speedily become familiar to me." Sintram did not venture to make any further objections, and still less did old Biorn. They both felt relieved when they saw with what skill and ease Folko buckled the skates on his feet, without suffering any one to assist him.