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First comes Assisi, with S. M. degli Angeli below; then Spello; then Foligno; then Trevi; and, far away, Spoleto; with, reared against those misty battlements, the village height of Montefalco the "ringhiera dell'Umbria," as they call it in this country.

And so, leading by the bridle the animal I dared no longer ride, lest I should kill it outright, I entered the territory of Urbino on foot, and trudged wearily amain through the snow that was some inches deep by now. In this miserable fashion I covered the seven leagues, or so, to Spoleto, where I arrived exhausted as night was falling. There, at the Osteria del Sole, I supped and lay.

The war kept Alfonso away from his domain much of the time, and consequently he made Lucretia regent during his absence. In former days she had occasionally acted as regent in the Vatican and in Spoleto but in a different way. In 1509 she saw the war clouds gathering about Ferrara, for it was in that year that her husband and the cardinal attacked the Venetian fleet on the Po.

Mediaeval Motives exhausted New Impulse toward Technical Perfection Naturalists in Painting Intermediate Achievement needed for the Great Age of Art Positive Spirit of the Fifteenth Century Masaccio The Modern Manner Paolo Uccello Perspective Realistic Painters The Model Piero della Francesca His Study of Form Resurrection at Borgo San Sepolcro Melozzo da Forli Squarcione at Padua Gentile da Fabriano Fra Angelico Benozzo Gozzoli His Decorative Style Lippo Lippi Frescoes at Prato and Spoleto Filippino Lippi Sandro Botticelli His Value for the Student of Renaissance Fancy His Feeling for Mythology Piero di Cosimo Domenico Ghirlandajo In what sense he sums up the Age Prosaic Spirit Florence hitherto supreme in Painting Extension of Art Activity throughout Italy Medicean Patronage.

Agriculture revived under the shadow of peace, and the number of husbandmen was multiplied by the redemption of captives. The iron mines of Dalmatia, a gold mine in Bruttium, were carefully explored, and the Pomptine marshes, as well as those of Spoleto, were drained and cultivated by private undertakers, whose distant reward must depend on the continuance of the public prosperity.

Cyril, then bishop of that city, and one of the eye-witnesses of the phenomenon, relates in his letter to the Emperor Constantius, four holy hermits came from Palestine into Italy, and obtained from Pope Liberius leave to remain in the Valley of Spoleto, and settled themselves in the vicinity of Assisi, with the permission of the authorities of the town.

The terms which this embassy was instructed to demand as fair and equitable, were as follows: That for the future no imperial agent should exercise pretended imperial prerogatives in Rome, without the foreknowledge of the Pope; that no levies on the domains of the Church should be made by the Emperor, except when he was crowned; that the Italian bishops should not take oaths of particular, but only of general homage; that the possessions of the Roman church, and the revenues of Ferrara, Massa, Fighernola, of the Matilda inheritance, of the country between Acquapendente and Rome, of Spoleto, Sardinia, and Corsica, all acknowledged in the middle ages as indisputable feoffs of the Holy See, should be restored.

We saw nothing else in Spoleto, but went back to the inn and resumed our journey, emerging from the city into the classic valley of the Clitumnus, which we did not view under the best of auspices, because it was overcast, and the wind as chill as if it had the cast in it.

The orphans were thus, in two years, enabled to have a small sum, which secured to them, so far, a mitigation of their lot. Meanwhile, the proceeds of the hospital were doubled. This was remarkable success. Count Mastai’s reputation for administrative ability was now of the highest order. In the Consistory of May 21st, 1827, Canon Count Mastai was named Archbishop of Spoleto.

The General advanced with equal success against Spoleto, and in a few days was master of all the upper valley of the Tiber.