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"On my honor, I won't try to dodge out of it, or postpone it a minute beyond five o'clock. On my honor I'll tell you, at five o'clock, to-day, what the man on the clubhouse steps said." "Good!" cried many voices. "Will many of you be there?" Dick inquired. "We'll all be there," declared Spoff Henderson. "But, remember, Dick Prescott, you're in honor bound to tell us at last."

We couldn't do anything else." Then they went further into the woods. Dick had brought his players here in search of peace, quiet and nerve rest. Had he had even one prophetic glimpse of what was ahead of some of them that afternoon it would have been far better to have remained in town. "Say, we don't want to just go on walking. There's no fun in that," objected Spoff Henderson.

"I move the committee have full powers in arranging for the race," Spoff added. This was also carried. That afternoon, when school was out, the boys hurried along Main Street, keeping a sharp lookout for Hi. At last they espied him, with Bill Rodgers. "What are you going to do about the swimming race?" called Hi from across the street.

"Whenever you find yourself under trying circumstances, or when anger is surging within you, fellows, believe me, you'll always find it wiser to say just what the man on the clubhouse steps said -which was nothing," Dick urged. "And you got us all the way up here, at an appointed time, just to hear that?" demanded Spoff Henderson. "It's worth the time it has cost you," Dick urged.

"Don't let that appointment make you forget supper time," his mother called after him. Spoff Henderson and Toby Ross were already at the place of appointment. "Here comes Dick!" called Spoff. "Now, tell us." "Wait until the crowd gets here." returned Prescott. "Ain't you the mean one?" growled Toby. "And we ran all the way home and back."

"Since I've been consulted, I'll preside at this yard meeting." "Then I nominate Dick Prescott, Dave Darrin and Greg Holmes," Spoff continued. "Second the motion," called Ross. Old Dut put the motion, which was carried. "As Master Prescott was first named," announced the principal, "he will naturally be the chairman of the committee."

The man on the clubhouse steps, on account of just what he said, proved himself one of the sages of the ages. Prescott, in telling you just what he said, has performed a public service, if only you fellows were bright enough to comprehend." "Get out of our way, Spencer!" ordered Spoff Henderson. "As sure as guns we're going to duck Dick Prescott in the public fountain."

"How did you come to get invited with Dick's crowd, anyway?" asked Hoof Sadby. "I wasn't just exactly invited," hesitated Hen Dutcher. "But I was going through the forest when the big snowstorm came up, and " "And you made Prescott's crowd invite you into the cabin?" pressed Spoff Henderson. "Ye-es," claimed Hen reluctantly.

Crawley was particularly down on her luck, she gave concerts and lessons in music here and there. There was a Madame de Raudon, who certainly had a matinee musicale at Wildbad, accompanied by Herr Spoff, premier pianist to the Hospodar of Wallachia, and my little friend Mr.

And that held the feller fast as grim death! And when at last he begs off, and Spoff lets him loose, the hull o' that 'ere lampooning article he objected to was printed right onto the skin o' his hand! Fact, and it wouldn't come off, either." "Gosh, but I'd like to hev seen it," said the printer. "There ain't any chance, I reckon, o' such a sight here.