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Patches of yellow and red splotch the bronzing forests, where frost has touched the foliage; and you haven't gone very many miles into the lilac mist of the morning light shimmering as it always shimmers above the sagebrush blue and sandy gold of the Upper Mesas before you hear the laughter of living waters coming down from the mountain snows.

"'Show him round here. An instant afterwards there appeared a little wizened fellow, with a cringing manner and a shambling style of walking. He wore an open jacket, with a splotch of tar on the sleeve, a red and black check shirt, dungaree trousers, and heavy boots badly worn.

"Tak car ob de ink!" shrieked Clorinda, pulling the paper from under his hand in time to preserve it from the great blot of ink that descended on the table-cover instead. "Dat's a purty splotch, now, ain't it; yer a nice hand, Caleb Benson!" "Taint much, nobody'll ever notice it," said Caleb, wiping it off with his coat-sleeve. "Don't raise a breeze about nothin', Clorindy."

I parried his blows successfully, much to his surprise, for I could see his eyes widening and a wrinkle in his brow. "Careful, Tommy! careful," cautioned Splotch of the one eye. "He's a likely looking young bloke." "Likely be blowed," said Tommy shortly, as he toyed with me. "Watch this!"

It was dark when he turned off the main road and started up the long hill toward the Bolton place not just dark, but a blackness so profound that the mare between the shafts was only a half formless splotch of gray as she plodded along ahead.

Such an "ad." would forever damn even the Nashville Banner, or show in the feculent columns of the Kansas City Star like a splotch of soot on the marble face of Raphael's Madonna. The Police Gazette and Sunday Sun are debarred from the mails, yet neither ever contained aught one-half so horrible.

In the '80's the idea was entertained that decoration of a woman's hat was increased by attaching to it something in the way of beads or feathers wherever there was a space free. A fashionable woman's hat to-day may be as simple and, in its way, as effective as art as a Whistler symphony; a single splotch of colour, it may be, acting as a foil against a rich mass.

There was a great steaming red splotch on the snow, and a strange odor in the air that made him dizzy; but only for a moment. Another white shape rushed by. A tawny streak followed, and then, in a patch of moonlight, Satan saw the yellow cur with his teeth fastened in the throat of his moaning playmate.

When my aunt Lisa came back from the kitchen she was quite frightened, and thought I'd set the fat in the shop on fire; and she considered the appearance of the turkey so indelicate that she turned me out of the place while Auguste re-arranged the window after his own idiotic fashion. Such brutes will never understand the language of a red splotch by the side of a grey one.

Scattered around the table, brilliant splotches of color, are the uniformed envoys of the Orient the smaller the country the more brilliant the splotch. It is a state dinner, to be followed by a state ball, and they are all present.