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Here Tilly gave the driver a cautionary dig with her elbow; as she did this, an under-pocket chinked ominously. "Look out now, Davy, what you're doing with us! Yes, that's splosh, Mary. I always bring a bag of change with me, my dear, so that those who lose shan't have an excuse for not paying up." Tilly was going to pass her evening, as usual, at the card-table.

Splosh! it struck the dudish youth squarely in the face and ear. Another splosh followed, and Carl Dudder was likewise decorated. "Hi! wow!" spluttered Ham. "I -Oh, what a smell! "Oh, my eye!" groaned Carl. "Phew! what's this?" "We're discovered! "What's this they threw on us?" "Oh, did you ever smell such stuff?" "Robbers! thieves!" yelled Snap and Shep. "Shoot them!

And then little Wienerwurst always stuck by his friends anyway. For a while nothing more happened, and Jehosophat tiptoed in at the back door. Mother was nowhere to be seen, so over the floor he sneaked. At every step the water oozed out and slop, splosh, slop, splosh, still went his shoes. But he reached his room safely, then quickly he rummaged in the drawers of the bureau.

Splodge! went the officer in front of me, with a yell of dismay. The water was well above his top-boots. Splosh! went another man ahead, recovering from a side-slip in the oozy mud and clinging desperately to some bunches of yarrow growing up the side of the trench. Squelch! went a young gentleman whose puttees and breeches had lost their glory and were but swabs about his elegant legs.

"It's slightly important, but I suppose I couldn't do the Folgefond by any chance?" "You are saying a good deal," said Urquhart. "I'll put it like this, that by some chance you might, but by no chance in the world could Patrick." "Hoo!" said Lancelot, "and why not, pray?" "His mother would put her foot on it. Splosh! it would go like a cockroach." "I know," said dreamy Lancelot.

I know men who are raising the splosh any way they can to get in." "I dare say. There's never been any lack of gamblers on Ballarat," said Mahony dryly, and passed his cup to be refilled. Pig-headed fool! was Ned's mental retort, as he sliced a chunk of rabbit-pie. "Well, I bet you'll feel sore some day you didn't take my advice," he said aloud.